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Ho�v has your vie�v of the role of this Commission ctian�ed since your first term? <br />My view has not changed significantly; when I was first appointed 1 believed that <br />maintaining an ethical culture in govez-nment was of the utmost impoi-tance and I <br />cantinLEe to believe that to this day. I was one of the original appointees when the Et}�ics <br />Con-►mission ��as r•e-establislied and wl�ile I do not feel tl�at our coz-e mission has <br />changed, I do think the nature of our work has changed slightly as we've become more <br />estaE�lished. <br />f)ther Comments: (Include a��yfurtl�er r»fo�•nzatio� yoar ���ould like t1�e City Cotrrtcil lo co��sider or <br />i%ICIi V011 fBL'� I.S TE'jL'l'Ul11 /D /'L'- Q�JIJOU1t1'J7L'i?/. �'!)Ll i7'1CIy Lll.SO R//L!L'J1 O/�1L'1' /YIQtL']7L1jS }lpz( }1�OL/�C� �l%{L' 1J?8 <br />Cozn�czllo cons'ider.) <br />I believe tl�at my se�•vice has been an asset to the co�»mission and hope to continue <br />doin� so. <br />'I�cnnesscn Warnin� - Some or all the infonnation that you are asked to provide is classified by State la�,� as either private or <br />ct�nlidei�tial. Private data is iiiformation that geiierally cannot be given to die public but ean be given to the subject of the data. <br />C.onfidential data is information that generall�� cannot be tiiven to eitl�er the public or the subject of rhe data. <br />� lie Citp� of Roseville is co!!�cting the information to detei-mine qtialifications io serve on a Citizen Advisa�y Commissiozi. <br />Y'ou are not legally required to provide this information. Ho�vever, tf��ou do not suppl�� the inforn�at�oi�, you may not serve on <br />a Citizen Advison� Co�nmissio�l. <br />Othcr persoizs or entities authorized by la�i� to receive this information aie City Couticil members, staff, r-esidents of Roseville <br />and interested others. <br />I ��nderstand that all info����ation provided in this applicaiion, excepi my tetephone Elwnbers, iax number and <br />ci��ail ��cidress,. ma5� be distributed by the Csty t�o the public includii��, but not limited to, being posted on the <br />Cit�� oiRosevill�� website. r agree to ���aive any a�Id al1 claims ii►�der.the Minnesota Goverr�rne��t Data <br />Practices Act, or an�� other applicable state and federal la��v, that in a��y way related to the dissemination to the <br />�ublic of informatic�n cont�ined in this applicatio�� Chat would bc classifed as privat�� under such laws. I <br />«�ldersta�ld that� ] may contacC the responsible autl��cit}� for the Cily of Roseville if I ha�ve any questions <br />regardin�� t�l�e public or private nature of the information provided. <br />