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The substitute motion. If a member <br />wancs ro complecely do av��ay wi�h <br />the basic motion under discussion <br />ancf pur a necv morion beFore the <br />governing body, he or she �vould <br />"move a sisbsritute motion." A substi- <br />ru�e mocion might be: "] move a sub- <br />scirute mocion chat �ve cancel the <br />anmial fundraiser this year." <br />Motions to amend ai�d substitute mo- <br />tions are often confused. But t6ey are <br />quice different, and so is their effecr, <br />if passed. <br />A motion to amend seeks to retain the <br />basic n�otion oi� the floor, but to modify <br />it in some way. <br />A substirure motion seeks �o throw out <br />rhe basic motion on the Aoor and substi- <br />tute a ne�v and differenc motion for it. <br />The decisioil as ro whether a mo�ion is <br />really a motion to amend or a substituce <br />motion is left to the chair. So thar if a <br />member makes what that member calls a <br />mocion co amend, buc the chair deter- <br />mines ir is really a subsricute mocion, the <br />chair's designarion governs. <br />When Multiple Motions Are Before <br />The Governing Body <br />Up to three mo�ions may be on ihe floor <br />sirrtulraneously. The chair may rejecr a <br />�ourth motion unti] the three that are on <br />the floor have bee� resalved. <br />When nvo or three motions are ai cE�e <br />Aoor (after mo�ions and seconds) ac <br />rhe sarne time, che fzr.ct vote should be <br />on rhe lASt motioi3 made. So, for exam- <br />ple, assume the first mocion is a basic <br />"mocion to have a five-member commit- <br />eee ro plan and puc ai our annua[ fund- <br />raiser." During che discussion of this <br />motion, a men�ber mighr make a secand <br />motion io "amend the main motion to <br />have a l0-member committee, not a <br />five-member commitree, to plan and <br />piit on our annual fundraiser." And per- <br />haps, during that discussion, a member <br />maEces yec a third mocion as a"substituce <br />motion thar we no� have an annual <br />fundraiset this year." The proper proce- <br />dure �vou[d be as fol[o�vs. <br />Rosenbe�g's Rzrles of Order: Simple Parliamentary Procedure for the 21st Century <br />First, the thair �vould deal w��h che <br />third (the lase) motion on the floor, ef�e <br />subs�iruce mouan. After disaission and <br />debate, a vorte �vould be taken first on <br />che �hird motion. If the sii6scirute <br />motion passes, it would be a substitute <br />for che basic motion and would elimi- <br />�iare ic. The first motion �vouid be mooc, <br />as would tE�e second motion (�vhich <br />sought [a amend the first motion), and <br />the ac�ion on che agenda item would Ue <br />complece. No voce would be taken on <br />the firsc or second motions. On the <br />other hand, if the substitute motion (the <br />�hird motion) failed, �he chair would <br />proceed to consideration af �he second <br />(no�v ehe lasi) motion on the floor, the <br />motion to amend. <br />If �he substirure motion failed, rhe <br />chair �vould then deal with che second <br />(now the last) motion on the floor, <br />the mo�ion to amend. The discussian <br />and debate would focus stricdy on the <br />amendment {should the committee be <br />five or l0 members). If the motian to <br />amei�d passed, �he chair woiild no�v <br />move to consider the main ntotion (the <br />first motion) as amendei�. If the motion <br />to amend failed, the chair �vould now <br />move to consider che main motion <br />(the fitst motion) i�i ics original formac, <br />not amended. <br />To Debate or Not ta Debate <br />�F'he basic ru[e aF motio�is is rl�at they <br />are subject to discussion and debare. <br />Accordingly, basic motions, mocions ro <br />amend, and substiicute motions are all <br />eligibie, each in their turn, for Eull dis- <br />cussion before and b}' t6e body. The <br />debare can conrinue as long as members <br />of the body wish to discuss an item, sub- <br />ject eo the decision of the chair thar it is <br />time to move on and take action. <br />There are exceptio�ts to Che general rule <br />of free and open debate on motions. The <br />exceptions all apply when there is a <br />desire of �he body to move on. The fol- <br />lowing motions are not debatable (chac <br />is, when the following morions are made <br />and seconded, [he chair must immedi- <br />ately call for a vate of the bod�� without <br />debaee on ihe motion): <br />A motion to adjourn. Tliis morion, if <br />passed, requires the body ro immediatel}' <br />adjonrn to its next regularly scheduled <br />meeting. This motion requires a simple <br />majoriry vote. <br />A motion to recess. This motion, if <br />passed, requires the body to immediately <br />take a recess. Normally, the chair c�eter- <br />mines the length of the recess, which <br />may range From a few minuces ro an <br />hour. It requires a simpfe majoriry voce. <br />The challenge for anyone chairing a public meet- <br />ing is �o accommadate public input in a timely <br />and time-sensitive v��ay, while �naintaining steady <br />progress through the agenda items. <br />Third, the chair would naw deal with <br />the firsi maCion that was placed on the <br />Roor. The original motion would either <br />be in its original formar {five-member <br />committee) or, if amended, would be in <br />its amended format (IO-member com- <br />rniccee). And the question on Che floor <br />for discussion and deeision would be <br />whether a cammittee should plan and <br />put on the annual fundraiser. <br />A motion to iix che tune to adjourn. <br />This motion, iE passed, requires the body <br />to adjourn rhe meeting at the specific <br />time ser in the motion. For example, the <br />motion mighc be; "I move we adjourn <br />this meeting at midnight.'" It requires a <br />simple m.ajority vote. <br />A motion ro [able. This motion, iF <br />passed, requires discussion of ihe agenda <br />item to be halced and the agenda item to <br /> 3 <br />