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Rosenbergs R:sler of Order: Simple Parliamenta�y Procedure for the 2l.rt Century <br />a staFf person, c�r a cummittee diair <br />charged with providing information <br />about the agenda item. <br />Third, the chair should ask members <br />of �he body if they have any technicaf <br />yuestions For clari6caxion. At this point, <br />members of the governrng bodp ma}' ask <br />clarifying questions to the people who <br />reporced on �he item, and they should <br />be given time to respond. <br />Fourth, the chair should invite public <br />commen[s or, if appropriate at a forn�al <br />meetiitg, open the meeting ta public <br />inpu[. If numerous members oFthe pub- <br />lic i�tdicate a desire co speak ta eE�e sub- <br />ject, che chair may Eimit che time of each <br />public speaker. A� the conclusion of the <br />public cominents, the chair should ann- <br />ounce that public input has concluded <br />(or that the public liearing, as the case <br />may be, is closed). <br />Pifth, the chair should invite a motion <br />from the governing body members. The <br />chair should announce the name of che <br />member who makes the motion. <br />Sixt1�, the chair should determine if an}� <br />member of [he body wishes to second <br />the morioit, The c6a'sr shauld announce <br />the name of che meniber who seconcis <br />the ntocion. It is normally good practice <br />For a motion ro require a second before <br />proceedfng �vith it, to ensure that it is <br />not just one member of the bady who <br />is inrerested in a particular approach. <br />However, a second is not an absolute <br />requirement, and the chair can proceed <br />wich consideration and a vote on the <br />ntotion eve�i when there is no seco�id. <br />This is a matter left to the discrerion <br />af the chair. <br />Seventh, iF the motion is made and sec- <br />onded, [he chair should make sure ever��- <br />one underscands the motion. This is <br />done in one of three ways: <br />]. The chair can ask die maker oFthe <br />mocioil to repeat it; <br />2. The ciiair can repeat the mation; or <br />3. The chair can ask the secrecary <br />or the clerf� of fhe bod}' to repeat <br />the mocion. <br />2 Leagae of Caliiornia Cities <br />Eighth, rhe chair should no�v invite dis- <br />cussion of the mocion by the memhers <br />of rhe governing body. If there is no <br />desired discussion or the discussion has <br />ended, [he chair should an�iounce that <br />the body �vil[ vote on the motion. I.f <br />there has been no discussion or a very <br />brief discussion, �he vote should proceed <br />immediacely, and there is no need to re- <br />pea� the motion. If there has been sub- <br />stantial discussion, it is normally best to <br />make sure everyone understands the <br />mo�ion by repeating i�. <br />Motions are made in a simple two-step <br />process. Firsc, che chair recognizes the <br />member. Second, the member makes a <br />mocion b}' preceding the �nember's <br />desired approach wirh the words: "I <br />move ..." A q�pical mocion might be: <br />"I move that we give i0 day�s' notice in <br />the fu�ure for all our meecings." <br />The chair usually initiates the mocion by: <br />I. Im�iring the members to make a <br />motian: "A motio� at this time <br />would be in order." <br />Deba�e on policy is healthy; debate on personalities <br />is not. The chair has the right to cut aff discussion <br />that is too personal, too loud or too crude. <br />Ninth, the chair takes a vote. Simplp <br />aski�g Eor the "apes" and then the "nays" <br />is normally sufficient. If inembers of the <br />body do nat vote, then they "abstain." <br />Unless the rules of the body provide <br />otherwise or unless a super-majoriry is <br />required {as delineared later in these <br />rules), a simple majorig� determi�es <br />whecher che motion passes or is defeated. <br />T'enth, che chair shou[d announce che <br />result of ehe voce and should announce <br />what action {if any) ihe bady has taken. <br />In annoancing the result, the chair <br />should indicate the names of the mem- <br />bers, if any, �vho voted in the minoriry <br />on the motion. This announcement <br />might take the following form: °The <br />motio�i passes b}' a va�e of 3-2, �vith <br />Smith aiid Jones dissenting. We have <br />passed che motion requiring ]0 days' <br />notice for all fucure meecings of this <br />governing bod,v." <br />Motions in General <br />IVlotions are �he vehicles for decision- <br />making. Ic is usually best to have a mot- <br />ion before the goveriting body prior to <br />discussing an agenda icem, co help every- <br />one focus on the mation before chem. <br />2. Suggesting a mocion to the members: <br />"A motion woiifd be in order cha� we <br />give 10-days' no�ice in �he fumre for <br />all our mee�ings," <br />3. Making che mocion. <br />As noted, the chair f�as every right as a <br />member of tlie 6od}' to make a motion, <br />6ut. normafly should do so only if he or <br />she wishes a mocion ta be made bu� no <br />other mem6er seems willing to do so. <br />The Three Basic Motions <br />Three motions are the most common: <br />Thc basic motion. The basic motion <br />is the one thac pu�s forward a deci- <br />sion for consideracion. A basic n�or- <br />ion might be: "I move that we create <br />a five-n�ember commictee ro plan <br />and put on our annual fundraiser." <br />2. The motion to amend. If a member <br />�vanrs to change a basic motion rhat <br />is under discussion, he or she would <br />move to amend it A motion to <br />amend mrghc be: "I m�ve rhat we <br />amend rhe motion to Izave a l0- <br />member con�mitree." A motion to <br />amend cakes the basic motian ihar is <br />before the boc€y and seeks ro change <br />it in some way. <br />