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Council Memberships/Liaisons <br />Current Memberships: <br />Mayor Klausing <br />Councilmember Ihlan <br />(Council appointed/requested only) <br />Councilmember Johnson <br />Councilmember Pust <br />Councilmember Roe <br />Suggested Memberships: <br />Councilmember Roe <br />Fire Relief Association (required by state statute) <br />(1 x mo) <br />Roseville Armory Citizen's Committee <br />(no regular meetings; they do have public events as announced at council meetings) <br />GEARS Adv Board - Review for Transportation issues <br />Ramsey County League of Local Governments <br />(1 x mo plus meeting prep time and email discussions) <br />Nature Center Study Task Force <br />(1 x mo plus meeting prep time and email discussions) <br />Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee <br />(1 x mo plus meeting prep time and email discussions) <br />North Suburban Communications Commission - Alt <br />Ramsey County League of Local Governments - Alt <br />Housing and Redevelopment Authority <br />(1 x mo, Value to Council.• Consistency in communication and policy direction) <br />Northwest Youth & Family Services Board of Directors <br />(1 x mo, Tlalue to Council.• Policy input for cost-effective programming) <br />Roseville Community Foundation (VP) <br />(2 x Qtrly, one business meeting, one meeting to to review grant apps) <br />North Suburban Senior Council (unofficial liaison for 2 yrs, serve as attorney) <br />(1 x mo for 2 hrs plus meeting prep time) <br />Roseville Armory Citizen's Committee for the National Guard's local units <br />(no regular meetings; they do have public events as announced at council meetings) <br />NSCC/NSAC Vice Chair/Vice Pres 2009 <br />(1 x mo) <br />Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee <br />(1 x mo) <br />Roseville Armory Citizen's Committee <br />(no regular meetings; they do have public events as announced at council meetings) <br />P&R Park master Plan Update Team <br />Roseville Armory <br />School Boards <br />Neighborhood Assns <br />Neighboring City Councils <br />Ramsey County Board <br />Library Group <br />P&R Foundations <br />Senior Assns <br />Roseville Community Fund <br />Roseville Historical Society <br />Note regarding Councilmember Roe's suggested memberships: "Organizations listed are not strictly for membership, <br />but rather in many cases for possible liaison status. I think it makes sense to discuss how we as a city and/or as a council want <br />to relate to many of those organizations in our community (and others that council or staff might identify, too.)" <br />rev 8/09 <br />