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IZcgular Cit}� Council Mcetin� <br />Monday, August 17, 2009 <br />Page 16 <br />Mr. Mil[er advised that the consultant's analysis would not include various fund- <br />ing streains and/or restrictions; however, that. statf would provide that additional <br />detail to the City Council, based on each dep�-tment's siandards and benchntarks <br />that are aleeady in place. <br />Cotuzciliiiember Pust requested that a copy of the signed contract ��ith the con- <br />sultant for their services be provided to Colu�ciln�einbers. <br />Councitmembers �'eiterated their pi-eference foi- staft"s detailed list of pro�ra���s to <br />iniiiate preli�ninary discussions and considerat.ions with staff. <br />d. 1)iscussion on Cauncii Liaisons <br />City 1Vranager M�alinen reviewed openin�s #�or alternates on the Rainsey Coun.ty <br />League of LocaI Governments (12CLLG) and t11e North Suburban Comrrrunica- <br />tions Commission (NSCC). <br />Counciltnemb�r Johnson ��oltultcered his service to one or bot�h boa�-ds at the City <br />CoUn.cil's discretion, ai3d his lack of service on an}� outside a�encies, dLie to his <br />�iewness to fiile City Council. <br />Ma�ror Klausing advised that he would also be interested in serving on the NSCC <br />as an a[ternate; however, expressed his williilgness to defer to Counciln�ember <br />Johnson as alternate, recognizing Counciltnember Roe's superb attendan.ce re- <br />cord, and limited demand of alYernates. <br />A brief disc��ss�ioi� was held ot� current tiaison as�si�nments; with Councilmember <br />P�ist encouraging individual Councillnembers to attend meeti�lgs of the RCLLG <br />��hether a delegate oi- �IOt. <br />i�lausing moved, �Pust sECOi�ded, appoi��tment of Council�nember Jeff Johnson as <br />Alternate �,i�iison to �ile NSC�C and as Alternate Liaison to fhe RC�,L�,. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Pust; .Tohnson; Roe a�ld I�lausin�. <br />Nays: Noi1.e. <br />1�. City M�inaget- Future Agenda Revie�v <br />City IVlanager Malinen reviewed upcoming tentative agendas. <br />Discussion included Councilmember 1'ust's request a copy of ihe previously-sent infor- <br />ination froin City Martager Mal'tnen to t�7e City Council relat'ed to extension of Yhe City <br />1Vlanager's selection of a firm; as referenced on tlze August 24, 2009 tentative agenda. <br />