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City Council Meeting Minutes
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1/19/2010 1:00:00 PM
Creation date
1/19/2010 12:59:57 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, December 07, 2009 <br />Page 11 <br />have been required to complete the task, and providing the information being re- <br />quested by Councilmember Ihlan. <br />Councilmember Ihlan clarified that her request was to receive line item detail of <br />those items different from those of the 2009 budget, corresponding with the <br />budget expenditure summaries provided several weeks ago, but not reflected in <br />total line item budgets, but proposed expenditures for 2010. <br />Councilmember Johnson opined that he was not in total disagreement that this in- <br />formation be provided to Councilmember Ihlan if the request was for something <br />different that a complete 2010 line item budget; and sought clarification from Fi- <br />nance Director Miller that he could provide that information without substantial <br />work. <br />Mr. Miller advised that he could "cut and paste" that information on the 2010 <br />budget without further City Council input; but that he could not advise how de- <br />partments would spend their training, supplies and professional services or how <br />they would be prioritized for allocation. Mr. Miller further clarified that the 2010 <br />City Manager-recommended budget was based on 2009 frozen budget levels, but <br />did not reflect exactly where spending was allocated; suggesting that the City <br />Council would prefer its Department Heads to assign where those specific dollars <br />should go for training, supplies and professional services. <br />Further discussion included clarifying the actual request of Councilmember Ih- <br />lan's motion; challenges remaining in providing the detail for Schedules B, C and <br />D at this time as it had yet to be discussed at the staff level and with the City <br />Manager following final City Council directive; provision of Budget expenditure <br />summaries and worksheets without schedules to Councilmember Ihlan to accom- <br />modate her request. <br />Councilmember Johnson suggested an amendment to the motion may be prudent, <br />to clarify that a 2010 line item budget was not being requested; however, Coun- <br />cilmember Ihlan opined that this would not be necessary. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Johnson; Roe; lhlan; Pust; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />Further budget discussion included clarification for Councilmember Ihlan on ad- <br />ditional items provided in tonight's Council. agenda packet for vehicle replace- <br />ment, with the list based on the City's Capital Investment Program (CIP), and <br />those 2010 expenditures and included in the 2010 Budget. <br />Finance Director Miller advised that those listed were incorporated into the 10 <br />year CIP, but staff had yet to prioritize which items would be purchased in 2010, <br />
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