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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, December 07, 2009 <br />Page 12 <br />which would depend on the level of funding provided by the City Council, with <br />spending adjusted accordingly. <br />Councilmember Ihlan opined that the City Council was being asked to seta pro- <br />posal without defining what to replace, and suggested that the City Council would <br />want to look at that and determine what should be replaced, noting that there was <br />$1 million in vehicle replacement for 2010. <br />Finance Director Miller clarified that the City Council was not being asked to ap- <br />prove the actual expenditure at this time, but that each purchase would come back <br />before the City Council for approval. <br />Councilmember Ihlan requested clarification on the number of Police squads and <br />unmarked vehicles scheduled for replacement annually (six marked squads and <br />two unmarked vehicles), and sought information on the actual number of each in <br />the Police Department fleet. <br />Acting Police Chief, Captain Rick Mathwig, advised that the current fleet in- <br />cluded 17 marked vehicles and 7 unmarked; with the narcotics vehicle not in- <br />cluded, as it was supplied by Ramsey County. <br />Discussion included the minimum cars patrolling depending on shift schedules; <br />replacement rationale based on 10 years of research and industry standards for <br />law enforcement fleets on their resale value, maintenance needs after 75,000 <br />miles; and their replacement or use as reserve units or training based on their <br />maintenance history. <br />Councilmember Roe noted on the 2010 CIP, it appeared that a new squad car was <br />being added to the fleet. <br />Acting Chief Mathwig advised that this was based on a cursory discussion at the <br />Department Head level; but that subsequently the seventh squad would not be <br />coming into position as an officer position would not be replaced with a traffic of- <br />facer, negating the need for an additional squad. Chief Mathwig advised that this <br />change was subsequent to the City Manager-recommended budget. <br />Councilmember Pust noted that, following the BFO process, the City needed to <br />review its CIP and prioritize it as well, similar to the ranking used for the 160 <br />programs and services as identified; and including a discussion on best practices <br />for consistently replacing Fire and Police Department commuting versus response <br />vehicles. <br />Councilmember Ihlan requested further discussion on overtime expenditures, not- <br />ing that much of that overtime was for staff training; expressing concern about the <br />amount spent for travel expenses (i.e., lodging, meals) and opined that she hoped <br />