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1 STREET RECONSTRUCTI ON AGREEM ENT <br />2 January 2010 <br />3 ThisAgreernent is madeon January 25, 2010, b�ween the City of St. Anthony, a <br />4 M i nnesota muni ci pal corporati on (" St. A nthony" ), and the Ci ty of Rosevi I I e, a M i nnesota <br />5 muni ci pal corporati on (" Rosevi I I e" ). <br />6 1. PURPOSE <br />7 St. Anthony and Roseville(Collectively the"Cities") haved�ermined that it is in the <br />8 best i nterests of the resi dents of each ci ty to undertake i n a cooperati ve fashi on the bi tumi nous <br />9 mi I I and overl ay of H i ghcrest Road between 37t" Avenue N E and 33rd Avenue N E(the <br />10 " Proj ect" ). The goal of the Citi es i s to provi de for a coordi nated cost effecti ve compl eti on of the <br />11 Proj ect. The purpose of thi s agreernent i s to se� forth the terms governi ng the desi gn and <br />12 constructi on of the Proj ect. <br />13 2. PROJECT <br />14 2.1 The Proj ect shal I consi st of the faci I i ti es i denti f i ed i n Ex hi bi t A her�o, subj ect to <br />15 modification as provided herein. <br />16 2.2 The costs of the Proj ect wi I I be pai d by the Citi es as provi ded i n Secti on 5.1 <br />17 hereof . <br />18 2.3 I ncl usi on of i tems not i denti f i ed i n Ex hi bi t A, such as addi ti onal I andscapi ng, or <br />19 benches are at the di screti on of each ci ty. The cost of such addi ti onal i tems i s the sol e <br />20 responsi bi I i ty of the ci ty that approves such addi ti ons. <br />21 3. DESI GN <br />22 3.1 St. Anthony, will prepare, or haveprepared, engineering drawings, specifications <br />23 and constructi on pl ans for the Proj ect. The constructi on pl ans wi I I i ncl ude a cost esti mate. The <br />24 f i nal cost esti mate wi I I i ncl ude al I costs associ ated with the Proj ect as wel I as a conti ngency <br />25 budg� for unfore,seeabl e ci rcumstances associ ated wi th the constructi on. St. A nthony wi I I <br />26 comply with any requi rements of M i nnesota law with respect to approvals of such plans and <br />27 speci f i cati ons. <br />28 3.2 Fi nal constructi on pl ans, engi neeri ng drawi ngs, speci f i cati ons and cost esti mates <br />29 wi I I be submitted to each city for the approval of each city counci I. <br />30 4.1 CONSTRUCTION <br />31 4.1 I f f i nal constructi on pl ans and speci f i cati ons are approved by each ci ty counci I, <br />32 St. A nthony shal I proceed wi th constructi on of the Proj ect. St. A nthony wi I I adverti se for bi ds i n <br />33 acc�rdance wi th the requi rements of the muni ci pal contracti ng I aw. <br />34 4.2 Prior to awarding construction contractsSt. Anthony will review the bids rec�ved <br />35 wi th Rosevi I I e. I f the contracts exceed the cost esti mates contai ned i n the constructi on pl ans <br />A-1 <br />