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1 (i ncl udi ng a conti ngency budg�) previously approved by the Cities either party can elect not to <br />2 proceed with the proj ect. The bids must be approved by each city counci I or the project may not <br />3 proceed. <br />4 4.3 St. Anthony wi I I be the contracti ng party and wi I I use ordi nary and prudent efforts <br />5 to requi re that the Proj ect i s constructed i n compl i ance w i th approved pl ans and speci f i cati ons <br />6 and completed with r�asonable promptness. <br />7 <br />8 <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 <br />13 <br />14 <br />15 <br />4.4 St. A nthony wi I I noti fy Rosevi I I e of any change order whi ch i ncrease,s the cost of <br />any i ndi vi dual constructi on contract for the Proj ect by more than $5,000 of the ori gi nal amount <br />thereof or whi ch materi al I y changes the scope of the Proj ect. St. A nthony shal I obtai n the <br />wri tten authori zati on of Rosevi I I e pri or to approvi ng such a change order. H owever, pri or <br />wri tten authori zati on i s not necessar�y i f the change order presents i mm i nent heal th/saf �y i ssues <br />maki ng pri or authori zati on i mpracti cal . I n such cases, the change order shal I be s�asonabl y <br />presented to Rosevillefor ratification. Rosevillemust not unr�nably withhold itsconsent to <br />change orders resul ti ng f rom unforeseen ci rcumstances ari si ng f rom the constructi on. <br />5. PAYM ENT OF COSTS OF PROJECT <br />16 5.1 AI I costs of the Proj ect wi I I be shared equal ly by the Citi es, eaccept that the costs <br />17 of uti I i ti es that are repl aced wi I I be pai d by the benef i ted ci ty. Costs wi I I i ncl ude, but not be <br />18 I i m i ted to, t he serv i ces i denti f i ed i n A rti cl e 6 hereof , al I costs rel ated to obtai ni ng al I necessar�y <br />19 permi ts and approval s for the Proj ect, costs i ncurred i n agreernents, and any and al I other costs <br />20 associated with the Project. <br />21 5.2 The Ci ty of Ros�vi I I e wi I I pay to the Ci ty of St. A nthony 90% of Rosevi I I e' s <br />22 share of the anti ci pated proj ect costs wi thi n 30 days of the Ci ty of St. A nthony awardi ng the <br />23 contract for constructi on of the proposed i mprovements. The remai ni ng 10% wi I I be pai d wi thi n <br />24 30 days after compl�ion of the proposed improvements. <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />5.3 A I I i nvoi ces or requests for payment wi I I be approved and pai d by St. A nthony. <br />Wi thi n 10 days of the end of each cal endar month, St. A nthony shal I provi de a statement to <br />Rosevi I I e showi ng the pri or month' s acti vi ty, the i nvoi ces rec� ved, the f ul I costs of servi ces <br />provi ded by St. A nthony staff, and the amount Rosevi I I e owes to St. A nthony for the Proj ect and <br />for i tems outsi de of the Proj ect, such as those i n secti ons 2.3 hereof . Wi thi n 30 days of the <br />recei pt of that statement, Rosevi I I e shal I provi de i n wri ti ng a I i st and expl anati on of any amounts <br />it disputes and pay the undisputed amount. Any disputes regardi ng payment shal I be resolved <br />through the di spute resol uti on process contai ned i n A rti cl e 7 hereof . <br />33 5.4 I f thi s Agreement i s termi nated under Secti on 8 hereof, both ci ti es shal I <br />34 neverthel ess be I i abl e for the payment of thei r cost share whi ch i s i ncurred up to the date of <br />35 termi nati on of thi s Agreement, or as a resul t of termi nati on of thi s Agreement. <br />36 6. SERVI CES TO BE PROVI DED BY ST. ANTHONY <br />37 6.1 St. A nthony wi I I provi de qual i f i ed engi neeri ng empl oyee,s to perform stree� and <br />38 uti I i ty desi gn and rel ated techni cal servi ces to the Proj ect. These servi ces i ncl ude: <br />A-2 <br />