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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 <br />7 <br />a) <br />b) <br />c) <br />d) <br />Compl�edesign and fe�asibility studies; <br />Conduct publ i c meeti ngs, i ncl udi ng i nformati onal meeti ngs and mee�i ngs <br />with each city council if necessary; <br />Prepare pl ans and speci f i cati ons; <br />M anage contracts made for compl eti on of the Proj ect and for i tems outsi de <br />the Proj ect i ncl uded i n secti ons 2.3 and 2.4 hereof ; <br />d) Supervi se constructi on, i ncl udi ng i nspecti on of the work; <br />8 6.2 St. Anthony may, at itsdiscr�ion, contract with aqualified third party to conduct <br />9 or compl �e any or al I of these servi ces. St. A nthony empl oyee,s shal I be bi I I ed at thei r di rect <br />10 salary expenses. <br />11 7. DISPUTE RESOLUTION <br />12 7.1 I f a di spute ari ses b�ween the Ci ti es regardi ng thi s agreement or the constructi on <br />13 of the Project, the City Manager and City Administrator of each city, or their designee,s, must <br />14 promptly mee� and attempt in good faith to negotiatea resolution of thedispute. <br />15 <br />16 <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />7.2 I f the Ci tes have not negoti ated a resol uti on of the di spute wi thi n 30 days after <br />thi s me�i ng, the Ci ti es may j oi ntl y sel ect a medi ator to faci I i tate f urther di scussi on. <br />7.3 I f a medi ator i s not used or i f the Ci ti es are unabl e to resol ve the di spute wi thi n 30 days <br />after the fi rst meeti ng with the sdected mediator, the dispute shal I be adj udicated i n civi I court. <br />20 8. GENERAL PROVI SI ONS <br />21 8.1 AI I notices under this agreement must be del ivered personal ly or sent by fi rst <br />22 cl ass mai I addressed to: <br />23 <br />24 <br />25 <br />26 <br />27 <br />28 <br />29 <br />30 <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />If to St. Anthony: <br />I f to Rose�ri I I e <br />Mike M ornson <br />City of St. Anthony <br />3301 Si I ver L ake Road N E <br />St. Anthony, M N 55418 <br />Bill Malinen <br />Ci ty of Rosevi I I e <br />2660 Ci vi c Center D ri ve <br />Rosevi I I e, M N 55113 <br />or addressed to such party at such other address as such party shal I here�after f urni sh by noti ce to <br />the other party. <br />A-3 <br />