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Department Approval <br />�-. <br />l�'�, <br />Jy <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCI L ACTI ON <br />Date: 2/8/10 <br />I tem N o.: 7.j <br />Ci ty M anager A pproval <br />� / <br />I tem Descri pti on: Rec� ve Feasi bi I i ty Report and Order Publ i c H eari ng f or Ri ce Stree�/ TH 36 <br />B ri dge Reconstructi on Proj ect <br />BACKGROUND <br />Ramsey County, M i nnesota Department of Transportation, the City of Rosevi I le and surroundi ng <br />communi ti es are worki ng on a sol uti on for i mprovements to the Ri ce Stree�/H i ghway 36 i nterchange <br />to address eaci sti ng and f uture safety and operati onal def i ci enci es. On D�ber 21, 2009, the Ci ty <br />Counci I ordered the preparati on of a f e�asi bi I i ty report f or the Ri ce Stre�/ TH 36 B ri dge <br />Reconstructi on Proj ect. <br />We have had a number of community me�i ngs over the last year. We have provided i nformation to <br />property owners regardi ng the Ci ty's assessrnent pol i cy and the proposed desi gn for Ri ce Stre�/ TH <br />36. <br />I n acc�rdance wi th Ci ty Counci I d i recti on, a f�asi bi I i ty report has been prepared that d�ai I s the <br />proposed desi gn, nei ghborhood i mpact, and esti mated cost of the proposed Ri ce Stree�/ TH 36 <br />Reconstructi on proj ect. Copi es of the compl �ed feasi bi I i ty report are attached. The next step i n the <br />process i s for the Counci I to accept the fe�asi bi I i ty report and to schedul e a publ i c heari ng. <br />� POLICY OBJECTIVE <br />- The purpose of the proposed Ri ce Street/H i ghway 36 i nterchange i mprovements i s to address exi sti ng <br />- and f uture safety and operati onal def i ci enci es. The need f or the proj ect i s dri ven by: <br />- • A nti ci pated i ncr� i n traff i c vol umes on Ri ce Stree� f rom 20,000 vehi cl es per day to (eac i sti ng) to <br />- 27,200 vehi cl es per day (2033) <br />- • Ri ce Stree� bri dge over H i ghway 36 no I onger meets current geom�ri c standards <br />. • Ri ce Stree� bri dge i s i n poor condi ti on and el i gi bl e for f ederal bri dge repl acement f undi ng. <br />. • Closely spaced i ntersections do not comply with current M n/DOT access management standards <br />. and cause traff i c f I ow i ssues <br />. • Non- motori zed transportati on faci I i ti es al ong Ri ce Stre� are not conti nuous, cre�ati ng a bottl eneck <br />. at TH 36. <br />. As traff i c vol umes i ncrease, saf�y and traff i c operati ons wi I I conti nue to d�eri orate i f eaci sti ng <br />. def i ci enci es are not addr�sed. The f�asi bi I i ty report d�ai I s the proposed desi gn, nei ghborhood i mpact, <br />. esti mated cost and proposed f undi ng for the constructi on of these publ i c i mprovements. Consi stent wi th <br />. Ramsey County' s cost shari ng pol i cy, a porti on of the street reconstructi on costs wi I I be charged to the <br />� Ci ty of Rosev i I I e. I t i s the Ci ty' s pol i cy to assess adj acent property ow ners f or up to 25% of the Ci ty of <br />Rosevi I I e' s cost for County Proj ects. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />