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FI NANCIAL I M PACTS <br />. Thisproject hasmajorfinancial implicationsforthecity includingthefollowing: <br />. 1. Ass�sments I evi ed i n accordance wi th the Ci ty' s assessrnent pol i cy. <br />. 2. Useof Municipal StateAid (M�) dollarsto fund themajority of Roseville'sportion of the <br />. cost for the Rice Stre�/ TH 36 reconstruction project. <br />. 3. Expendi ture of uti I i ty f und dol I ars to pay for the repai rs needed to the exi sti ng uti I i ty system. <br />. I t i s proposed that the cost of the proj ect be f i nanced wi th M S�A f unds and speci al �ents. The <br />� feasi bi I i ty report wi I I i ncl ude a summary of the prel i mi nary esti mated costs and f i nanci ng for the Ri ce <br />Stre�/ TH 36 B ri dge Reconstructi on Proj ect. <br />S�AFF RECOM M ENDATI ON <br />Staff recommends that the City Counci I receives the fe�asi bi I ity report and orders a publ ic i mprovement <br />he�ari ng for the Ri ce Stree�/ TH 36 B ri dge Reconstructi on Proj ect for M arch 8, 2010, at 6:00 p.m. <br />REQUESTED COUNCI L ACTION <br />Adopti on of a resol uti on rec� vi ng the fe�asi bi I i ty report and orderi ng a publ i c i mprovement he�ari ng for <br />the Ri ce Stre�/ TH 36 B ri dge Reconstructi on Proj ect for M arch 8, 2010, at 6:00 p.m. <br />Prepared by: Debra Bloom <br />Attachments: A: Resolution <br />B: Feasi bi I ity Report <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />