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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
2/12/2010 3:37:57 PM
Creation date
2/12/2010 3:37:54 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 11, 2010 <br />Page 11 <br />aesthetically behind existing trees on the corner. Mr. Heiser advised that the <br />original location was almost at the corner of the circular pathway at the lower <br />door to City Hall. Mr. Heiser advised that the revised location was based on <br />maximizing and maintaining connectivity of the City's communication functions, <br />as well as their network group, should their be a future absence of facilities <br />through the Comcast network. Mr. Heiser advised that the closer the radios and <br />antenna could be kept in proximity to the base in the basement of City Hall, the <br />less expense for equipment. Mr. Heiser advised that the alternate site (Site 2) ad- <br />jacent to the Public Works yard will also work based on the location of buried <br />conduit along that area that could be extended. However, Mr. Heiser advised that <br />service trucks with a bucket used by service providers (i.e., Clearwire) would <br />have easier access in the parking lot, rather than on the street (Woodhill Avenue) <br />if Site 2 were utilized. Mr. Heiser advised that the aerial photo was dated, and <br />that the Public Works yard was now filled with materials and that the tower would <br />need to be serviced from Woodhill. <br />Further discussion among Councilmembers and staff included comparable costs <br />of fiber optic versus conduit; and aesthetic impacts of Site 1 for Central Park. <br />Councilmember Johnson expressed his preference for Site 2 from an aesthetic <br />perspective, due to its proximity further from Central Park, and the existing tower <br />in the southeast corner of the yard. <br />Mr. Heiser clarified that the existing UHF/VHF tower would be removed as the <br />equipment on that tower had been relocated to City Hall several years ago. <br />Councilmember Pust concurred on the preference for Site 2. <br />Councilmember Ihlan sought clarification on the cost of the tower construction <br />and who would be paying for that initial construction. <br />Mr. Heiser advised that the City would ultimately own the tower, with the con- <br />struction costs applied to Clearwire as the first identified user of the pole; with <br />lease payments abated over a period to the firm, and then turned back to the City <br />at no cost (approximately 4 years), with construction costs estimated at $80,000. <br />Mr. Heiser further advised that historically, existing towers provided a positive <br />cash flow from other providers; and advised that negotiations were continuing be- <br />tween Clearwire and the City for the rent abatement period. Mr. Heiser advised <br />that the tower ownership by the City was prudent based on their ownership of the <br />ground underneath it, and with the City taking ownership it served to provide a <br />future revenue source. <br />Councilmember Roe questioned whether there was anticipated interest of other <br />providers on this tower in the immediate future. <br />
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