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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes -Wednesday, January 06, 2010 <br />Page 2 <br />1 to action taken at last night's Parks and Recreation Commission meeting related <br />2 specifically to Planning File 09-032; attached hereto and made a part thereof. <br />3 <br />4 Commissioner Gisselquist, while recognizing the potential revenue from tower users <br />5 on city property, expressed his lack of support for locating towers in any park, <br />6 including Acorn Park. <br />7 <br />8 Additional discussion included potential viability and feasible locations on commercial <br />9 property (i.e., Rice Street corridor at County Road C - Walgreen's new devrrlopment) <br />10 rather than on park property and more significant impacts to residentiail properties; <br />1 1 staff's note that revenue considerations should not be part of a land use decision- <br />12 making, consistency with the proposed location on city-owned property and multiple- <br />13 users with the comprehensive plan guidance by promoting communications <br />14 infrastructure as a service for residents and to' keep Roseville more competitive in <br />15 multiple marketplaces with new telecommunications on existing-towers when feasible; <br />16 and impacts to equipment functionality by restricting the t~mount of space for ground <br />17 equipment for multiple users. <br />18 ~ ~ <br />19 Commissioner Wozniak questioned whether the City was trying to maintain the park <br />20 as park as opposed to trying to keep the tower away from residential properties; and <br />21 questioned why the applicant had chosen that location in the park rather than areas <br />22 along the fringe of the park. Commissioner Wozniak expressed his preference for a <br />23 tower location on the edge of the park as a transitional aspect rather than within the <br />24 park's interior footage. <br />25 <br />26 Mr. Lloyd opined that a balance t~etween int+erferirig with park space may be <br />27 preferable to encroaching on residential properties; with the broader public bearing <br />28 the burden of the chosen location rather than it being borne privately by only a few <br />29 adjacent residential property owners.- <br />30 <br />31 Commissioner Wozniak observed that .property owners adjacent to a park also <br />32 benefited from that txoximity. i <br />33 <br />34 Additional discussion included d>.5ptaying images and a scale mock-up of the height at <br />35' 150' in the tree height at approximately 80'. <br />36 <br />37 Bob Willmus, Cl~uairaf Parks and Recreation Commission <br />38 At the request of fir Doherty, Mr. Willmus provided a summary of the discussion <br />39 held a# fast night's Parks and Recreation Commission meeting and their opinions in <br />40»s request. <br />41 <br />42 Mr. Willmus advised that the Commission's formal action based on the proposal as <br />43 resente was a motion to deny support for the request, based in part on the Master <br />44 Plan efforts currently underway and how Acorn Park future activities may be retasked <br />45 in the~uture. <br />46 <br />47 1VIr. Willmus advised that, other questions and discussion included how pending <br />48 zoning code revisions under the new Comprehensive Plan may impact Acorn Park <br />49 now and in the future; whether this type of use is desired in a City park; discussion of <br />50 the precedent in Reservoir Woods Park, but clarification that the tower was already in <br />51 place before the property became a park; and the difficulty in planning "what if' <br />52 scenarios when impacts were unknown at this time. <br />53 <br />54 Mr. Willmus noted that Acorn Park had a large, heavily-used Frisbee Golf Course on <br />55 the park's fringes; and also noted that the proposed location of the tower would serve <br />