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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
2/12/2010 3:37:57 PM
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2/12/2010 3:37:54 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes -Wednesday, January 06, 2010 <br />Page 3 <br />1 as the primary focus when accessing the park from County Road C and whether that <br />2 was the aesthetic representation desired by the community for Roseville parks, with <br />3 the Parks and Recreation Commission expressing a resounding "no" to that prospect. <br />4 <br />5 Mr. Willmus suggested that it would be prudent and timely for the Planning <br />6 Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, and the City Council to step back <br />7 and look at current code and ask if those are the types of uses we want in our parks; <br />8 do we want to force those towers in parks; or force them to other potential city-held <br />9 properties with commercial use (i.e., fire house locations; city hall campus). <br />10 <br />1 1 Chair Doherty sought to clarify if the Parks and Recreation Commission would have <br />12 supported approval in general if not for their Master Plan process. <br />13 <br />14 Mr. Willmus, from his personal perspective, opined that they most likely would not <br />15 have approved it anyway; however, clarified that the action taken by the Parks and <br />16 Recreation Commission was focused on the Master Plan process with the motion and <br />17 subsequent action in opposition to the request solely focused on the Master Plan <br />18 process currently underway. <br />19 <br />20 Chair Doherty requested Mr. Willmus' opinion, from the Parks and Recreation <br />21 Commissions' perspective, on whether a location in the middle of the park versus on <br />22 the fringe of the park had or would have any bearing on they decision. <br />23 <br />24 Mr. Willmus noted that the original proposal by Clearwire was for a relatively small <br />25 tower adjacent to the ice rink that would also serve as a lic~ttt standard for the rink with <br />26 a small equipment pad, which the Parks aril Recreation Commission initially <br />27 approved, as it was interpreted as riot being burdensome to move and would serve a <br />28 purpose for park users and not be aesthetically obtrusive. However, Mr. Willmus <br />29 noted that, based on City Code requi<'ements for larger structures, the request had <br />30 changed substantially, and the Commission acted on the proposal currently before <br />31 them. <br />32 <br />33 Applicant Representative, Tony Vavoulis <br />34 Mr. Vavoulis addressed the original Clearwire tower request compared to this request <br />35 based orti fire applic~#'s atter~t to satisfy current City Zoning Code and preference <br />36 for multiple users. Mr. Vavoulis advised that the original tower proposed at 120-135' <br />37 would have satis'hed the applicant's needs. Mr. Vavoulis advised that the park <br />38 logtion was a fitnC#ion of the City's current zoning laws, reinforced by the <br />39 Comprehensive Plan guidance, and was the applicant's response to a search in this <br />40 designated area for coverage needs. Mr. Vavoulis noted that the applicant needed <br />41 the tower. height; that residential properties were excluded per their policy; and <br />42 available or potential roof-top mountings did not satisfy their coverage needs in this <br />43 area. Mr. Vavoulis advised that, while the tower location originally proposed by <br />44 Clearwire was closer to the parking lot, City staff recommended going back further <br />45 into the park for better screening, with this location a logical solution for expanding <br />46 wireless technology as another passive activity by park users, but also in obvious <br />47 conflict for adjoining property owners adhering to the "not in my backyard" concept. <br />48 <br />49 Discussion among Commissioners, the applicant and staff included what if any leeway <br />50 the applicant had in locating this tower for sufficient coverage within the assigned grid <br />51 and dependent on engineering evaluations within the search area and based on <br />52 directional challenges, with this being the only identified location candidate in the <br />53 search area; consequences of not having a tower in this area being no wireless <br />54 coverage availability; applicability of the peninsula area of the park property extending <br />55 east along Weavers Road to front along Rice Street for a tower location and setback <br />
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