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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 25, 2010 <br />Page 15 <br />that administrative oversight by the Police Department was covered by the license <br />fees. <br />Councilmember Roe suggested that the Council may wish to notice license hold- <br />ers to receive their input on the proposed changes. <br />Klausing moved, Johnson seconded, to schedule a Public Hearing on revise City <br />Ordinance, Section 302, for Monday, February 22, 2010; with the City's license <br />holders to be noticed as well. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Pust; Roe; Johnson; Ihlan; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />b. Discuss Storm Water Illicit Discharge and Connections Ordinance <br />City Engineer Debra Bloom summarized the City's MS4 (municipal separate <br />storm sewer system) status, and federal mandates related to develop and imple- <br />ment aStorm Water Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP), covering six mini- <br />mum control measures. Those measures included public education and outreach; <br />public participation involvement; illicit discharge, detection and elimination; con- <br />struction site runoff control; post-construction site runoff control; and pollution <br />prevention good housekeeping. Ms. Bloom advised that these best management <br />practices (BMP's) and measurable goals were submitted annually to the Minne- <br />sota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) as required by the City's MS4 permit; <br />with further detail included in the Request for Council Action dated January 25, <br />2010. <br />Ms. Bloom advised that tonight's discussion and proposed ordinance, Section <br />803.03: Storm Water Illicit Discharge and Connections (Attachment A) would <br />address one of those six measures -Illicit Discharge, Detection and Elimination <br />(IDDE). <br />Ms. Bloom reviewed the purpose of the IDDE to address storm water sources not <br />treated to remove pollutants, including but not limited to, heavy metals, toxics, oil <br />and grease, solvents, dissolved phosphorus, nutrients, viruses, and bacteria that <br />could significantly degrade water quality and threaten aquatic, wildlife and human <br />health, and costing money to clean up. <br />Ms. Bloom provided a map of the City's storm sewer system with 123 miles of <br />storm sewer throughout the City. Ms. Bloom provided an overview of the pro- <br />posed ordinance prohibiting non-storm water discharge into the MS4; appropriate <br />enforcement procedures and actions; inspection of storm sewer outfalls; investi- <br />gate reports of illicit discharges (complaint calls); and education (i.e., home <br />swimming pool owners and discharge of that chlorinated water). Ms. Bloom ad- <br />vised that it was currently difficult if not impossible to enforce violations using <br />