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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 25, 2010 <br />Page 16 <br />the City's nuisance ordinance, which did not meet the requirements of the <br />SWPPP. <br />Ms. Bloom advised that, based on a model ordinance from the MPCA, the City's <br />Public Works, Environment and Transportation (PWET) Advisory Commission <br />had systematically reviewed and revised the proposed ordinance, recommending <br />that the City Council move forward with it, and that it was similar to ordinances <br />in surrounding communities, providing extensive definitions and allowing for rea- <br />sonable enforcement applicable to anything entering the City's storm sewer sys- <br />tem, with the Public Works Department administering the regulations to the <br />maximum extent practicable. <br />Ms. Bloom reviewed the ordinance by section and general provisions for private <br />properties to comply with watercourse protection and notification of spills; access <br />to facilities by inspection staff to trace illicit discharges based on Fourth Amend- <br />ment provisions based on recent case law; and in emergency situations, allowing <br />staff to disconnect a suspected violator from the City's storm sewer system to pro- <br />tect the overall City. <br />Discussion among Ms. Bloom, Public Works Director Duane Schwartz, and <br />Councilmembers included access points on public rights-of--way; layout of model <br />language with exemptions listed before general provisions based on the model or- <br />dinance; personal washing versus commercial washing of vehicles and how to ad- <br />dress group fundraisers by an education campaign; and options to educate groups <br />to redirect runoff to a pervious surface or to contain the area to address the larger <br />concentration of soap and water from a group car wash. <br />Councilmember Ihlan noted that non-commercial is an exempt discharge; how- <br />ever, noted that in Section H2, there appeared to be some inconsistencies or am- <br />biguities; and specifically noted the "shall" language and suggested that language <br />should be "encouraged" or advisory instead. Councilmember Ihlan also ad- <br />dressed Section H.4 related to removal of pollutants from impervious surfaces and <br />how health or safety purposes could come. into play. <br />Ms. Bloom provided an example of compost on a driveway, with 2/3 used and the <br />remaining 1/3 needing to be disposed of. Ms. Bloom advised that hosing the ma- <br />terial into the storm system was to be avoided, but is they had swept up and re- <br />moved the material to the most reasonable or maximum extent practicable, that <br />was the intent of that section. <br />Mayor Klausing suggested that individual Council comments be provided to staff <br />via a-mail for further consideration and discussion at a future meeting. <br />Councilmember Ihlan sought how the ordinance would apply to a vehicle parked <br />on a City street leaking oil. <br />