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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 25, 2010 <br />Page 18 <br />Councilmember Roe, not leaning toward either option, noted that the City cur- <br />rently had both processes (i.e., Liquor Control, Community Development De- <br />partment); and that he tended to lean toward the City Council for appeal, how- <br />ever, had not finalized that position. <br />City Manager Malinen advised that he heard Administrative Fine appeals; and <br />could consult further with the City Attorney and make a recommendation to the <br />City Council. <br />Councilmember Johnson expressed his concern that there appeared to be signifi- <br />cant ambiguity from his review of the ordinance, and suggested that staff look at <br />it again toward that concern to avert future complaints. <br />c. Discuss Tower Rental Fees <br />Finance Director Chris Miller, by previous request of the City Council, provided <br />background information on tower and ground equipment lease fees and their allo- <br />cation since their inception and initial tower construction in 1997 and receipt of <br />fees in 1999. Mr. Miller noted that fees from that initial tower were earmarked to <br />repay an internal loan used to purchase land in what is now known as Reservoir <br />Woods, with that loan repaid from available tax increment financing (TIF) pro- <br />ceeds in 1999, allowing tower fees to be redirected to the City's IT function. <br />Mr. Miller noted that these fees, as detailed in the Request for Council Action <br />dated January 25, 2010, along with revenue derived from Joint Powers Agree- <br />ments (JPA's) had allowed the City to provide IT services almost exclusively <br />without property tax dollars, with those fees benefiting all City functions in a pro- <br />portionate manner for IT hardware and software purchases and updates, and IT <br />support staff. Mr. Miller advised that he could find no other definitive formal dis- <br />cussion, action or policy at the City Council level from his review of meeting <br />minutes as to the discussion points or rationale for that earmarking at that time. <br />Councilmember Johnson, who initiated this request for background information, <br />thanked Mr. Miller for providing it. <br />Mayor Klausing, in response to Councilmember Johnson's query on any City <br />Council perspectives on that decision-making, advised that he had served on the <br />City's Infrastructure Advisory Commission during that time when the Reservoir <br />Woods property was acquired; and advised that he had then and continued to <br />support the City Council making decisions based on priorities and spending at a <br />program and policy level, and was not as concerned about where those particular <br />funds came from or how they contributed the City. <br />Councilmember Johnson didn't disagree; however, he advised that his interest had <br />been sparked when the IT Department sought the addition of an additional '/z FTE <br />position in their department, rationalizing and justifying that request based on <br />them not using tax revenue. Councilmember Johnson questioned the transparency <br />