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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 25, 2010 <br />Page 17 <br />Public Works Director Duane Schwartz advised that this was a difficult situation, <br />with considerable discussion held with the City Attorney on this issue, and de- <br />pendent on the degree of the violation and how susceptible the situation was to <br />polluting the environment; what containment measures were being taken; whether <br />it was aone-time event that was difficult to enforce, or if it was repeated over <br />time, building a stain. <br />Further discussion included terms of enforcement; the process when illicit dis- <br />charges were detected and the need for the responding staff to have a knowledge <br />of the City's storm sewer system for location of catch basins and manholes in or- <br />der to trace the source. <br />Additional discussion related to General Provisions, Section H.1 (iii) for pools <br />and the vague language related to pools and chlorine evaporation, depending on <br />the amount of chlorine in the water and the time required for it to dissipate, with <br />staff seeking to educate residents on the current standard, which is changeable, <br />and homeowners responsible for testing and/or sampling for compliance. <br />Mr. Schwartz suggested language could be included in that section such as "de- <br />tectable levels of chlorine" to further clarify the intent. <br />Councilmember Roe suggested that language of Section H.1 (last sentence) be <br />clarified related to a reasonable person not being a discharge. <br />Councilmember Johnson noted a typographical correction needed on Page 5, line <br />18 (that). <br />Mayor Klausing thanked staff and the PWET Commission for their work on this <br />ordinance, noting that the importance of environmental issues and impacts was a <br />recurring theme and priority expressed during the Imagine Roseville 2025 proc- <br />ess. <br />Ms. Bloom directed the City Council's attention to Section N related to enforce- <br />ment, seeking Council direction on the appeal process to the City's Public Works <br />Director, then to the City Manager, then to the City Council; and whether this is <br />the process level preferred by the City Council. Ms. Bloom advised that, in dis- <br />cussions with the City Attorney, staff had appropriate municipal authority as indi- <br />cated. <br />Mayor Klausing noted that there were two views: that the City Council should be <br />involved in policy issues, but that they did not adjudicate those issues well as a <br />political body; and another view that an individual should be able to address their <br />elected officials if they felt they were being treated unfairly. <br />