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days to be repaired: the roadbed had to be dug up; a propane <br />heater run for two days to thaw the pipe so it wouldn't rupture <br />further; the pipe replaced and wrapped at the break; and the road <br />re-closed: all at a cost of $4,000, of which I had to pay half up <br />front, and the remainder at completion. The repair service <br />thoughtfully took pictures and documented what they found when <br />they opened the ground, should you be interested. <br />(Enclosure3) <br />> In addition, it cost me ~ $500 in damage to personal items <br />and for cleanup of my basement. ibought ashop-vacuum so I <br />could contain and dispose of said sewer backup matter since the <br />drain was frozen -that was fun. 1 couldn't use my toilets; run my <br />dish- or clothes-washers; or take a shower or bath for those three <br />days. I used the facilities at the Burger King on Rice and <br />Larpenteur, and a friend in St. Paul availed me of the use of her <br />bathroom and shower. This all took place over Valentine's Day <br />2007; that was fun too. <br />Attached are details of these out-of-pocket expenses, which <br />were incurred between late-October 2006 and mid--February 2007. <br />Why did it take me so long to submit all of these, you ask? Well the <br />first one in fall of 2006 wasn't too bad; I just figured I'd eat it. Then <br />came the rest. 1 did submit the bil! for the sewer repair last spring, <br />(not including the property loss or basement cleanup), to the <br />Ramsey County Water District, as advised by someone in your <br />office, was refused and by the end of summer gave up. i was also <br />told that because of the now shallow location of the city sewer they <br />couldn't guarantee it wouldn't happen again should the temperature <br />remain at sub-zero for any extended periods in the future. <br />(Enclosure4) <br />I then submitted a claim to my Insurance company, but found <br />I didn't have coverage far'frazen sewer fines'. Who knew? It hadn't <br />come up when 1 insured my home; I've added coverage to my <br />policy, just to be safe. <br />I now find myself holding a debt that I'm hoping the <br />City/County can in some way assist me with. I'm not a spendthrift; <br />I'm single, handicapped, with a fixed income - not a card I care to <br />play often.. Adding to the dilemma, my central air went out last <br />.tune, and bingo: another $3600. While that expense is totally my <br />responsibilityr, Ifelt it needed to be brought into the picture <br />because I have Multiple Sclerosis, which requires that 1 have air <br />conditioning in the summer, so it had to be replaced immediately. <br />