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3 days after the line was thawed to clean the raw sewage out of my basement before <br />beginning to sanitize everything. This time the expense was $933.20, and not covered by <br />the extension I'd had put in force on my homeowner's policy after the first incident (my <br />deductible is $1,000). <br />These woes only added to the debt-load my ARM imposed, and as a result I fell <br />behind on my heating/eleetricity bill over the last two winters. The `good news' is I've <br />recently caught up on my energy bills and don't face the possibility of having my <br />electricity and gas cut off as Xcel had threatened. I was able to do so by, and this is the <br />`bad news', letting other bills and important issues languish; i.e. aphysician-ordered <br />colonoscopy, and a second cataract surgery. In an attempt to further wade through this <br />financial mess, i canceled the security system on my home; my home cleaning service <br />(taking it on myself); and both newspaper and cable television services; and any <br />`extraneous' activities like my physician-recommended health club membership; dining <br />out; movies and sv forth. When these measures proved to not be enough and I found I'd <br />need to cut back even more, my options were to: stretch and not fill Rx's because of the <br />co-pays (I take 6 prescribed medications per day with a combined co-pay of <br />$140.00/month}; feed myself and my service dog less; or not pay property taxes. I opted <br />for the third. <br />In an attempt to get on top of my tax and credit card obligations I was fortunate to <br />fmd part-time employment in the last month which I'm able to handle without too much <br />exhaustion; this will help a bit, however $8.50/hour for 20 hourstweek doesn't go far in <br />today's economy. And I've rented my second bedroom to a college student for $SO/week <br />plus help with yard and house maintenance; this started on June 1, 2009. Is there <br />anything that can be done to help recover some of the $S,S83.80 plus interest, though I <br />realize I' ll likely have to swallow that? <br />I've included. the required. forms regarding the businesses/agencies contacted in <br />this matte*, as well as supporting documents/letters I've accumulated over the past two <br />years. <br />I look forward to your prompt response and action on this matter. <br />Bobbie J. Carpenter <br />410 S. McCarrons Blvd. <br />Roseville, MN 55113 <br />(651) 488-5593 <br />bjc34g( <br />Enclosures: 5. <br />