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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
2/12/2010 3:47:59 PM
Creation date
2/12/2010 3:47:55 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 25, 2010 <br />Page 7 <br />tar sealants in water quality and monies provided to the U of MN and the MPCA <br />to determine future remediation. <br />1) Rep. Scalze noted a pending bill for the Capital Investment Committee for a <br />Fire Training Center in Maplewood; and a bill to increase the level of veto au- <br />thority for Housing Improvement Areas, based on past experiences, including <br />the City of Roseville, with Senate authors still being sought for that bill. <br />Discussion among Councilmembers and Rep. Scalze included the Governor's <br />Bonding Bill; appreciation to both Representatives for their assistance to the City <br />for including the OVAL in past bonding bills; and clarification that the undiluted <br />coal tar was not used by Cities, but was used throughout the Midwest from Texas <br />to MN. <br />Rep. Scalze noted her pleasure in working with the City's Public Works Director <br />Duane Schwartz on the Rice Street Bridge project; and noted the collaborative ef- <br />forts of all three cities involved. <br />Mayor Klausing suggested that the City's Public Works, Environment, and <br />Transportation Citizen Advisory Commission may want to look at the undiluted <br />coal tar issue to see if it was a concern at a local level. <br />Rep. Scalze advised that she was aware of three ordinances adopted to-date: Aus- <br />tin, TX; the Wisconsin county where Madison, WI is located; and Washington, <br />DC. <br />Representative Mindy Greiling <br />Rep. Greiling addressed the huge deficit and affects on Minnesota Cities and <br />School Districts; and the actual size of the deficit based on the February forecast <br />due out soon, and depending on the March 15, 2010 Supreme Court resolution on <br />whether the Governor's unallotments would stand. Rep. Greiling opined that the <br />issues remained, from her perspective over the years, but that they continued to <br />grow larger, with an unprecedented deficit. Rep. Greiling addressed loss and im- <br />pacts to Cities of Local Government Aid (LGA); cuts from the State to the County <br />to local governments and their respective impacts; fair and progressive funding at <br />the state level and difficulties in pursuing a consensus for that viewpoint. Rep. <br />Greiling solicited the assistance of local elected officials and residents in assisting <br />them with this legislation. <br />Discussion among Councilmembers and Representatives Greiling and Scalze in- <br />cluded levy limits and impacts to local government in 2010 and 2011; cooperative <br />work of Rep. Scalze with Chair of the Tax Committee, Representative Lenc- <br />zewski; School Districts seeking legislation to allow them to levy without going <br />to the voters with a referendum; philosophical benefits of Market Value Home- <br />stead Credits (MVHC) and needs to reform this funding mechanism to protect cit- <br />
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