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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 25, 2010 <br />Page 8 <br />ies based on honest realities; and corrections to upcoming property tax statements <br />that will address only those actual aids and credits made available to respective <br />cities. <br />Additional discussion included transit options that would assist the City of Rose- <br />ville and lack of local government support for rail in addition to buses in the NE <br />Metro Corridor; and potential action for early childhood resources to be included <br />with K-121egislation. <br />Mayor Klausing thanked Representatives Scalze and Greiling for their attendance <br />and continued work in the Legislature. <br />b. Home and Garden Fair update <br />As introduced by Mayor Klausing, Community Development Director Trudgeon <br />reminded residents of the upcoming 15~' Annual Living Smarter Home & Garden <br />Fair, with additional information available at www.livingsmarter.ors or by calling <br />651/792-7079, for this rebranded event with anenergy-related emphasis. <br />Mr. Trudgeon highlighted some of this year's events and seminars; acknowledged <br />the six sponsors; and expressed appreciation to the generous restaurant commu- <br />nity for providing door prize donations. Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff would be <br />sending the City Council an e-mail in the near future to sign up for a booth during <br />the day, as a great opportunity to show their support of the event and to interact <br />with residents. With 1,000 estimated attendance in 2008, Mr. Trudgeon antici- <br />pated agreater attendance for this year's event. <br />Mayor Klausing heralded the event as anever-improving opportunity; and ex- <br />pressed appreciation to the City's HRA and staff for their work in coordinating <br />the event. <br />Mr. Trudgeon recognized City employees, Kara Hoier and Jeanne Kelsey, as well <br />as a significant number of volunteers in the community for their efforts in making <br />this a quality event. <br />Councilmember Roe attested to the volunteer enthusiasm and support that he had <br />recently observed. <br />c. Annual Code Enforcement Report <br />Codes Coordinator Don Munson presented the annual code enforcement report as <br />detailed in the staff report dated January 25, 2010. <br />Mr. Munson noted that this enforcement is accomplished through two separate <br />Programs: the reactive complaint-based Land Use Code Enforcement and the pro- <br />active Neighborhood Enhancement Program (NEP). Mr. Munson respectively re- <br />viewed the closed cases summary and timeline for closure; compliance rates; case <br />