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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, January 25, 2010 <br />Page 9 <br />types similar and comparable year to year; a synopsis of cases from 2004 - 2009, <br />with increased numbers due to reassignment of staff and better documentation, <br />and a map displaying areas of enforcement throughout the City. Mr. Munson <br />noted that overall, quick compliance and cooperation were received from resi- <br />dents, evidenced by the closed case rate and timing; with a 20% reduction in cases <br />in the NEP from 2008 and 2009 due to increased education of neighborhoods and <br />their support of the program and concern for their neighborhoods, with most <br />comments very supportive. <br />Mr. Munson reviewed information previously requested by the City Council for <br />those public hearings held and abatement billings in 2009; with 16 of the 20 pub- <br />lic hearing cases resolved to-date, and three working their way through the court <br />system. Mr. Munson noted that, while a significant amount of staff time was re- <br />quired for this enforcement, bringing them before the City Council for abatement <br />did serve to help resolve cases; and reminded Councilmembers that all expenses <br />were eventually recovered through voluntary payment or assessment to property <br />taxes. <br />Mr. Munson provided before and after pictures of several foreclosed homes where <br />abatement action was taken in 2009; and anticipated several procedural changes <br />in 2010 to speed the documentation process; as well as bringing forward several <br />proposed ordinance changes for City Council consideration and additional public <br />education in 2010. <br />Councilmember Roe thanked staff for working cooperatively with the City Coun- <br />cil on this concerted effort to make the program work better for citizens; and <br />noted the benefits already being realized for the residents and the entire commu- <br />nity. <br />Mayor Klausing concurred with Councilmember Roe, expressing his particular in- <br />terest in the value of the education efforts to allow residents to support the impor- <br />tance of maintaining a quality of life and the market values of homes in their <br />neighborhood. <br />d. Parks and Recreation Master Plan Update <br />Parks and Recreation Director Lonnie Brokke introduced Citizen Facilitator Jake <br />Jacobson of the 28-member Citizen Advisory Team (CAT) convened in Septem- <br />ber of 2009 for a ten month review of the Roseville Parks and Recreation System <br />to process situational discussions, receive community input, and facilitate profes- <br />sional findings. <br />Mr. Jacobson presented a summary of activities to-date by a Power Point presen- <br />tation, to be made available on the City's website in the near future; and thanked <br />the Roseville City Council and citizens for their input to-date. Mr. Jacobson re- <br />viewed the efforts to-date in creating an up-to-date Master Plan for the Roseville <br />