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necklace, played hide and seeic, and listened to a silly play, my discrimination slowly washed off <br />my mind; as dirt under a tap might drip from sailed hands. Who was I to judge ar�other human <br />being; just like myself. without having spoken a �vord to them, without even kno�ving their name? <br />1 discovered a truth that night; a truth tk�at I wish the ���hole �vorld could see ��rith vnveiled eyes, as <br />I do na�+; the truth that the second article of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights <br />states: That we shauld be allo��ed freedom frorrs discrimination. This concise sentence sums u� <br />the life ]esson I learned €hrough one night of love and fun. <br />When we think of the ���ord discriminate, though, a likely issue to pop up in our heads is <br />the topic of racism. The discussions and opinions on t1�e matter stretch farther than the Paciiic <br />Ocean, and the variaus hate crirnes that have resUlted over the centuries regarding the subject <br />could feed a herd of elephants. I've never had a problem with race, because as mosi children da, 1 <br />spent a lot of iime gro��ring up �vith my many cousins, anc� they are not ar�ly Cau�asian, like r�e, <br />but also Afr�can-American and KoreaE�. (My grandparents adopted five children.) I never noticed <br />an�� difference bet�veen one child and anocher, because in truth, �ve none of us are really all that <br />different. I am infinitely grateful far being for�unate enough to k�ave such a family, one �vhere <br />from an early age; 1 have learned €hat your skin color is nothin� too important... it is like your <br />hair color, a characCeristic unique to ��rho we are. ]t is nice to see ather people in the world <br />t-ecognizing tk�is fact, too, and stopping hate because of it. �ace is a protected class in eveE-y area <br />oi�rotection an the Who's Protected documeni, and in the infonr�ative sheet regarding Minnesota <br />I-�ate Crime Laws; [�vas very encouraged to see that k�ate crimes commi[tecE against someone <br />because of their race are qualified far an erthanced penalty. I[ makes me hopeful that someday [ <br />can be someone who will star�d up against pre.judice, because af the lesson I leamed from my <br />family: never treat others unequally for sometk�ing as frivolous as their skin co�or. A person; is a <br />person, is a person. Dor�'t let anyone make you think differer�tly. <br />My last story invoives people �vhose names I canno€ �ame; so 1 am <br />