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3/1/2010 10:43:48 AM
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3/1/2010 10:43:45 AM
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Planning Commission
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, May 06, 2009 <br />Page 5 <br />Commissioners Wozniak and Gottfried expressed their preference that the condition <br />proposed by the Police Department be clarified for more specifics for the additional video <br />equipment meeting the needs of the Police Department; and that an additional condition <br />be included that any request for drive-thru at this location would require a CUP <br />amendment. <br />Commissioner Gisselquist suggested that the Commission defer specifics of the video <br />condition to the Police Department to provide more detail as the application moves <br />forward to the City Council; rather than the vague wording of the condition at this time. <br />Mr. Paschke indicated that the general language of the condition was based on changes <br />in technology and research being performed by the Police Department in what would be <br />a reasonable condition for the applicant in meeting the needs of the Police Department. <br />Vice Chair Boerigter suggested that the condition clearly state that any video surveillance <br />equipment be satisfactory to the Police Department to identify a suspect vehicle. <br />MOTION <br />Member Boerigter moved, seconded by Member Gottfried to RECOMMEND TO THE <br />CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL of a CONDITIONAL USE rendering the existing Pawn <br />America Store at 1713 Rice Street a permitted use; based on the comments and <br />findings of Sections 5 and 6, and the condition detailed in Section 7 of the project <br />report dated May 06, 2009; <br />amended as follows: <br /> The original condition shall clearly state that the video surveillance equipment <br />? <br />to monitor the shopping center parking areas adjacent to the pawn store tenant <br />space be satisfactory to the Roseville Police Department; <br /> An additional condition that, should a drive-thru be applied for, that application <br />? <br />process go through as an amendment within the boundaries of this CUP. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Motion carried. <br />Vice Chair Boerigter noted that the case was scheduled to be heard by the City Council <br />at their May 18, 2009 meeting. <br />d. PLANNING FILE 09-010 <br />Request by Bituminous Roadways (with Meritex Enterprises, Inc.) for <br />CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL to allow outdoor storage of aggregate materials <br />and heavy equipment at 2280 Walnut Street in an I-2 District <br />Vice Chair Boerigter opened the Public Hearing for Planning File 09-011. <br />Community Development Director Patrick Trudgeon provided staff’s analysis of the <br />request of the request of Bituminous Roadways for outdoor storage of aggregate <br />materials and heavy equipment as a CONDITIONAL USE in support of the operation of <br />an asphalt plant at 2280 Walnut Street. Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff conditioned <br />approval on the applicant providing additional screening, between Highway 36 and the <br />rail line; and that the maximum height of thirty-eight feet (38’) for stock piles was <br />indicated, while recognizing that the stock pile height would fluctuate, but that setbacks of <br />forty feet (40’) from the public right-of-way and twenty feet (20’) from the rail line was <br />assigned. <br />Mr. Trudgeon advised that staff had some concern with continual crushing and impacts to <br />the area, and had thus limited it to no more than twice annually, and no longer than 2-3 <br />weeks per event, as well as indicting that it be done during the winter months for less <br />disruption with less outdoor use by adjacent property owners. Mr. Trudgeon noted that <br />the proposed us was located in an industrial area, and that this was a major <br />consideration in staff’s review of the use related to the community’s general health, safety <br />and welfare due to potential dust and odor issues. Mr. Trudgeon further advised that <br />staff had held extensive discussions with applicants on the need for regulating this <br />principal asphalt use; but also noted that the use was highly regulated and permit- <br /> <br />
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