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3/1/2010 10:47:05 AM
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3/1/2010 10:47:03 AM
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Planning Commission Meeting <br />Minutes – Wednesday, November 04, 2009 <br />Page 15 <br />Commissioner Boerigter questioned the need for such a suggestion; opining that <br />it would push the review process out even further; and noting that the public had <br />ample opportunity for comment, both at tonight’s meeting and at subsequent <br />meetings <br />Commissioner Best concurred with Commissioner Boerigter; provided an <br />accurate post card notice was provided. <br />Commissioner Wozniak suggested that, if a clarified proposal was to proceed, <br />the City include the proposal on the City’s website, including some schematics of <br />the proposal for public review prior to the next Public Hearing. <br />Further discussion included any conditions to be applied to a motion to continue <br />the request; with Commissioners concurring that their only requirement was that <br />public notice be provided. <br />Mr. Paschke noted that comments heard from the public and Commissioners <br />would be duly considered by staff and the applicant; and requested that the <br />action not be to table to a date specific to ensure adequate noticing deadlines <br />could be met by staff; and asked that the item simply be continued to be brought <br />back at a future meeting. <br />MOTION <br />Member Boerigter moved, seconded by Member Wozniak to CONTINUE <br />consideration of a Conditional Use for Clearwire, LLC move forward at a <br />future date, in order to allow additional administrative review and revision, <br />based on tonight’s discussion and public comment; with additional <br />information to be considered at a future public hearing, if desired by the <br />applicant, and after new public notice of the revised application is <br />provided. <br />Ayes: 5 <br />Nays: 1(Gisselquist) <br />Motion carried. <br />d. Planning File 09-029 <br />Request by City of Roseville to Vacate a specific roadway easement <br />describing a portion of West Snelling Drive/South Highway 36 Service Drive <br />adjacent to Sienna Green (formerly the Har Mar Apartments) <br />Chair Doherty opened the Public Hearing for Planning File 09-029 at 9:15 p.m. <br />City Planner Thomas Paschke briefly reviewed this request by the City’s <br />Community Development and Public Works Departments in conjunction with <br />Aeon, for VACATION of the public road right-of-way lying east and adjacent to <br />and a part of Sienna Green. <br />Mr. Paschke advised that, in 2005, the Public Works Department created a <br />corrected legal description of an area of roadway easement adjacent to and part <br />of the Aeon project area, which had been accepted and recorded by Ramsey <br />County. However, Mr. Paschke advised that, while the Public Works Department <br />understood that the correction vacated the easement in its entirety, the Ramsey <br />County Surveyor concluded that the underlying or former easement also needed <br />to be formally vacated. Mr. Paschke advised that the Surveyor accepted Aeon’s <br />plat of the area, allowing the applicant to produce mylar documents for signature <br />and ultimate recording; however, the former easement needed to be vacated <br />prior to that action. <br />Staff recommended APPROVAL of the VACATION of the former roadway <br />easement described in document 1795426 or book 2275, page 978 of the <br />Ramsey County Recorder’s Office; based on the comments of Sections 4 of the <br />project report dated November 4, 2009. <br /> <br />
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