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City Council Meeting Minutes
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3/1/2010 12:42:34 PM
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3/1/2010 12:42:31 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 08, 2010 <br />Page 13 <br />an actual amount on a property tax bill for such an amenity, would be more realis- <br />tic. Councilmember Pust asked if citizens were attending listening sessions to <br />talk about stabilizing or maintaining existing parks and facilities, or if that was a <br />separate topic area. <br />Mr. Brokke advised that this would be incorporated into a future phase of the <br />planning process as the CAT starts to identify funding sources, with future work- <br />shops identifying those costs as part of an exercise to show realities and actual <br />costs. Mr. Brokke advised that maintaining existing facilities was very much a <br />part of current discussions, and was very important to the community. <br />Mr. Schroeder observed that the process allows for community members can be <br />very realistic about their expectations; while allowing them to dream; and noted <br />that an actual exercise at an upcoming workshop would be to define costs to im- <br />prove aneighborhood park, with participants making priority decisions: not giv- <br />ing up on big ideas, but focusing now on realties for how to achieve improve- <br />ments. <br />Mr. Brokke reminded Councilmembers that the Master Plan was a 20-30 year <br />plan looking to the future to make a better Roseville and identify some of those <br />criteria along the way. <br />Mayor Klausing comments: <br />Mayor Klausing noted that he had served on an Infrastructure Citizen Advisory <br />Committee initiated approximately 15 years ago as legislative changes were en- <br />acted for tax increment financing uses, and asked that the CAT have access to that <br />reference material. <br />Lots of discussion about maintaining what we have; with a sense that parks <br />had been in an acquisition phase in the 1960's and 1970's, and in the 1990's, <br />they were now in a maintenance mode for preservation of existing parks, with <br />the exception of Pioneer Park, as an additional acquisition. Further explora- <br />tion needed of acquisition of land adjacent to existing parks to determine if <br />that is adequate to current use groups or if those perspectives have changes. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that all discussions aren't about new and/or maintain- <br />ing existing, but that those discussions also included possible reprioritizing or re- <br />programming existing parks for a higher and better use now and in the future. <br />From the City Council's perspective: "What Challenges do the systems face <br />today and what challenges will parks and recreation face in 10-20 years that <br />will impact how parks are seen and used? <br />Mayor Klausing comments: <br />
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