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City Council Meeting Minutes
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3/1/2010 12:42:34 PM
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3/1/2010 12:42:31 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 08, 2010 <br />Page 14 <br />Being able to fund these things under current financial constraints and contin- <br />ued government aid cuts, reprioritizations and unintended consequences from <br />other legislative bodies, even when totally supported of the system <br />Shifting and different uses by citizens during their lifetimes and/or tenures in <br />the community based on their current lifestyle. <br />Councilmember Pust comments: <br />^ Aging infrastructure: parks are getting older and new money is needed to keep <br />them at previous or current levels <br />^ Changing demographics: if you were building a community with primary and <br />projected age groups over 30 years, what would parks and recreation look like <br />and how do we get from what we have to what it should be? <br />^ Is there a way for parks to serve infrastructure needs in the community in <br />ways they're not (i.e., rain gardens, water infiltration) to link public lands as a <br />more vibrant piece of our green initiatives and environmental needs rather <br />than just being a piece of green on the map? How can we engineer our assets <br />to keep the rest of the community green and save money in the process, as <br />well as improving the park system? <br />Councilmember Johnson comments: <br />^ In my 16 years in the community, I've found that perspectives are fluid and <br />we need to be aware of fluid progress with people in all different phases of <br />appreciation and usage of parks <br />^ Concern about the amount of homes that are going to turn over in Roseville in <br />the next 10-15 years <br />^ From my perspective, and Mayor Klausing's previous comments, we need to <br />keep our parks well-maintained and make sure they're each well-branded <br />parks: identifiable, accessible, clean and meeting needs. Make them appeal to <br />not just one aspect of the population but a variety by providing them with a <br />good, clean face and presenting awell-maintained brand is crucial to drawing <br />new people into the community. Parks were a big draw for my family when <br />we settled in Roseville; and if well-maintained, they should be drawing more <br />vibrant families into community. <br />Councilmember Roe comments: <br />^ Challenge of balancing the purpose of parks: passive facilities for enjoyment <br />of natural environment and preservation of habitat versus programming for ac- <br />tive pursuits, based on limited resources. Lots of discord or tension existing <br />in community between passive and active needs; might mean that we need to <br />expand facilities versus changing that ratio. <br />Councilmember Ihlan comments: <br />^ Councilmember Ihlan noted that trees used as a green structure, as well as <br />natural areas, served lots of purposes, both active and passive, and could be <br />compatible with each other. <br />
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