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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March O1, 2010 <br />Page 10 <br />Additional discussion included partnership perspectives from a department <br />point as well as elected officials point, in defining who takes the lead and <br />how the joint department could be structured. <br />Councilmembers as a body expressed interest in how this partnership <br />could be developed, with Roseville taking the lead to see it come to fiui- <br />tion. <br />Acting Chief O'Neill advised that a Council directive for consideration of <br />joint services with other service areas or communities would be helpful; <br />and that most Chiefs were in agreement that an organization could be im- <br />plemented, with each party represented on a Board of Directors that would <br />manage the day-to-day operations under a Joint Powers Agreement, and <br />that there appeared to be fewer "turF' issues than anticipated, with the goal <br />for more economy of scale for stations, equipment and infrastructure, with <br />other cities facing similar issues to those faced by Roseville, as well as <br />meeting training and mandated requirements of various agencies (i.e., <br />OSHA); and other models available that have combined departments. <br />Further discussion included age demographics in the department now and <br />in the future; reduced staffing through attrition; 13 firefighters in Roseville <br />at retirement age or coming into it within the next three years, causing the <br />City to lose significant experience; impacts in filling vacancies when resi- <br />dency requirements were eased several years ago; and ongoing turnover <br />with the part-time position and other demands for time commitments. <br />Additional discussion included the increased calls when the department <br />began to function as a First Responder EMS services; changes to the staff- <br />ing model since 2007 and those anticipated in the future under Goal #2 of <br />the Strategic Plan document; evaluation of the EMS program since it's in- <br />ception (Goal #6); inclusion of performance measures for the department <br />to be implemented this year and incorporate into the BFO process while <br />working with the same budget dollars as in 2008. <br />Councilmembers thanked the Department for their great service; and an- <br />ticipated their return over the next 18 months as their evaluations were <br />completed. <br />Acting Chief O'Neill encouraged feedback from individual Council- <br />members on the Strategic Plan over the next few months to provide clear <br />direction to the department; to formalize a committee to establish a time- <br />line for a new fire station yet this year; and to bring those committee rec- <br />ommendations back to the City Council (Goal #1). <br />