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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March O1, 2010 <br />Page 11 <br />Councilmember Roe opined that it made sense, through all the analyses, to <br />consider how a shared approach would fit with a new station, its location <br />and the area to be served; and suggested that a Roseville approach, as well <br />as a no boundary approach be used to avoid losing sight of any possibili- <br />ties. <br />Councilmember Pust noted the favorable comments she was hearing from <br />the public on the great leadership being provided during the transition <br />time; and expressed her appreciation to the department's leadership for <br />their work. <br />Acting Chief O'Neill advised that the new format would be implemented <br />for monthly and annual reports, and hoped that it was more useful to the <br />City Council. <br />Recess <br />Mayor Klausing recessed the meeting at approximately 8:35 p.m. and reconvened at approx- <br />imately 8:39 p.m. <br />3. Police Department <br />Acting Police Chief Rick Mathwig, Lieutenant Lorne Rosand, and Police <br />Services Manager Karen Rubey were present to represent the Police De- <br />partment. <br />Acting Acting Chief Mathwig reviewed the accomplishments of the de- <br />partment as highlighted in the agenda materials (i.e., translating literature <br />into other languages; mentoring; seminars for various cultures within the <br />community; and cooperative work with the Human Rights Commission); <br />and noted additional documents in the packet, including a breakdown of <br />capital improvements, as well as a document dated March 2010 and en- <br />titled, "Police Department Efforts -Above and Beyond" providing basic <br />services (i.e., responding to calls, investigations and follow-ups, crime <br />prevention, animal control); and how many of those additional efforts fit <br />into the Imagine Roseville 2025 categories. <br />Discussion of impacts to the department with the 2010 budget included <br />significant reductions in training to ensure better educated officers were <br />responding to the many and diverse calls received by the Department; with <br />Acting Acting Chief Mathwig expressing hope that no further reductions <br />were necessary to further negatively impact the quality of officers and <br />their respective training to do their job effectively and efficiently. Acting <br />Chief Mathwig noted that much of the officer training was basic and pe- <br />riodically mandated by the State of Minnesota, but that other training pro- <br />vided for a higher quality department and significantly impacted the quali- <br />ty of work being done for the community. <br />