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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March O1, 2010 <br />Page 13 <br />At the request of Mayor Klausing, Acting Chief Mathwig addressed other <br />impacts to the department due to recent budget reductions, including loss <br />of the 50~' officer position as a traffic officer, with one of the most repeti- <br />tive public concerns that of speeding; and replacement of equipment that <br />is recycled from squad to squad over the years and their deterioration after <br />continued use with their replacement currently funded through grants, <br />awards and gifts for those approximately 90% equipment replacements. <br />Further discussion included previous service provided to Falcon Heights <br />and Lauderdale, now being provided by St. Anthony; and cooperative effi- <br />ciencies through shared services for emergency communication; SWAT <br />services; shared narcotics officer with Ramsey County; and partnering <br />with the City of New Brighton for the Community Emergency Response <br />Team (CERT) volunteers; mutual aid in staffing community events; and <br />other cooperative ventures. <br />Additional discussion included geographical aspects in patrolling the <br />community and lack of bamers in patrol due to cooperation among de- <br />partments. <br />Councilmember Roe questioned some of those items identified as discon- <br />tinued due to insufficient funds and whether they needed to be included on <br />the list anymore. <br />Acting Chief Mathwig advised that this exercise was a brainstorming ef- <br />fort, and if it was a necessary function, the department would provide that <br />function; however, he noted that things, such as the liaison officer, was a <br />very expensive option, and should be put on hold or discontinued, as it <br />was not an option at this time. <br />Councilmember Johnson expressed appreciation for the monthly report; <br />but opined he would like to see it publicized more. <br />Discussion ensued regarding previous discussions in 2008 related to a re- <br />tail or fraud officer at Rosedale, with 90% of the calls to Rosedale related <br />to theft (from vehicle, person or shoplifting); with comparison information <br />with other malls unknown at this time. <br />Lt. Rosand provided his perspective of the disheartening youth issues ex- <br />perienced at the mall, and the need for a police presence to detract them. <br />Lt. Rosand clarified that most of the problems were not with local youth, <br />but from outside the community arriving by public transportation, with a <br />transit hub located adjacent to the AMC Theater at Rosedale Mall; with <br />youth coming to the mall to hang out, getting bored, resulting in disorderly <br />conduct and/or theft and unresponsive to mall security. <br />