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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/12/2010 11:20:38 AM
Creation date
3/12/2010 11:20:36 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March O1, 2010 <br />Page 12 <br />Discussion included references to the "Dick" case in 1997/98 and how <br />lack of training had significant impacts on that case not being prosecuted; <br />safety implications to officers and others in reduced training; basic train- <br />ing for interviewing, crime scene processing and DNA, as well as further <br />training in leadership skills for supervisors and for continuing education <br />opportunities for officers in their careers to ensure they're trained for real <br />life experiences. <br />Further discussion included shift revisions for additional efficiencies, with <br />more restructuring forthcoming to increase shifts to 12 hours in order to <br />have more officers available and working during the higher crime periods, <br />in addition to assigning a few officers to a high impact team to work with <br />the Records Management team in determining high incident and repetitive <br />crime areas for increased scrutiny and patrolling, modeled from a Univer- <br />sity of MN and City of Maplewood model. <br />Additional discussion included the number of officers that were bilingual; <br />other resources to meet the diverse languages in the community, including <br />a "Language Line," and resources in other departments and agencies <br />through networking; recruitment of officers from other cultural communi- <br />ties to enhance language opportunities through the Reserves; and block <br />captains and/or elders in those diverse cultural groups to provide a differ- <br />ent perception of law enforcement that those cultures are used to expe- <br />riencing, that officers were here to help, not to arrest. <br />Further discussion included the department's rolling stock; current mi- <br />leage; continuing industry standards for fleet turnover at 75,000 miles with <br />no trends being found for higher mile vehicles; impacts to the department <br />in losing funding for the Bike Patrol and Deputy Chief position; and how <br />the department had repurposed positions to have a greater impact to crime <br />upfront. <br />Acting Chief Mathwig advised that he was not supportive of on-line re- <br />porting for minor crime; as that did nothing to enhance the public's per- <br />ception of their safety, nor did it serve the victim when any crime was per- <br />ceived as major to them. <br />Acting Chief Mathwig further advised that there was a movement across <br />the nation to increase fees for false alarms, based on how time-consuming <br />that area was in tying up officers for those false alarms, with over 90% of <br />those intrusion alarms being false. Acting Chief Mathwig advised that Lt. <br />Roland was currently looking into the specifics to recommend charging <br />for any false alarms after the third one in a calendar year. <br />
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