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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March O1, 2010 <br />Page 2 <br />Mayor Klausing noted that, since this was a special meeting, State Statute re- <br />quired that only those items noticed were suitable for action of the City Council; <br />however, he noted that this did not require formal City Council action, and was <br />only seeking support of an action taken at a previous meeting. Mayor Klausing <br />indicated that the City Council supported the staff report, allowing staff to pro- <br />ceed accordingly. <br />Public Works Director Duane Schwartz advised that it was sufficient for the City <br />Council to indicate their support at tonight's meeting; and that a resolution would <br />ultimately come before the City Council at their next regular meeting to be <br />adopted and forwarded to MnDOT. Mr. Schwartz noted that, in the meantime, <br />plans would proceed and be forward for formal review to the various agencies. <br />Discussion included construction of the wall to tie into natural topography at the <br />corner of Marion Street to prevent the noise from spilling around the wall and fur- <br />ther impacting that last house; and attempts by staff to notify residents by phone <br />regarding the revised noise wall height. <br />City Attorney Bartholdi left the meeting at this time: approximately 6:48 p.m. <br />4. Council Communications, Reports, Announcements and Housing and Redevelop- <br />ment Authority (HRA) Report <br />Mayor Klausing acknowledged and congratulated Roseville Girls Hockey League on <br />their recent Class AA win at the State Hockey Tournament, and specific awards to indi- <br />vidual players. <br />5. Recognitions, Donations, Communications <br />6. Approve Minutes <br />7. Approve Consent Agenda <br />a. Adopt a Resolution in Support of a Noise Wall to be constructed on the <br />North Side of Highway 36 <br />As referenced in item 3.a above, there was no formal action taken on this item at <br />tonight's meeting. <br />8. Consider Items Removed from Consent <br />9. General Ordinances for adoption <br />10. Presentations <br />11. Public Hearings <br />