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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March O1, 2010 <br />Page 8 <br />Mayor Klausing asked that Mr. Malinen and Department Heads consider <br />this question as the BFO process continued, where staff could define lower <br />priority items, and where they felt the most negative impacts. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that this exercise provided a good opportunity <br />to determine how to do things differently particularly in tough budget <br />times; how to define where duplication was occurring in other departments <br />that could free up resources (i.e., communication); and if there were items <br />that no longer made sense from the visions, that they be removed from the <br />list or added on if an idea from staff and/or the community needed to be <br />incorporated. <br />City Manager Malinen noted that all Advisory Commissioners were being <br />tasked with review of the Imagine Roseville 2025 document at their up- <br />comingmeetings. <br />2. Fire Department <br />Acting Fire Chief Tim O'Neill; Fire Marshal John Loftus; and Shift <br />Commander David Brosnahan were present to represent the Fire Depart- <br />ment. <br />Acting Chief O'Neill advised that in the department's review of the Im- <br />agine Roseville 2025 document, and during this transition phase in the de- <br />partment, they had incorporated a new version of the department's Stra- <br />tegic Plan, a DRAFT of which was provided to Councilmembers at to- <br />night's meeting as a bench handout. Acting Chief O'Neill advised that <br />this would provide an opportunity for City Council feedback as to whether <br />the department was near target, and with the document scheduled for fina- <br />lization during the summer, would be available to tie into the BFO process <br />for the 2011 budget cycle. <br />Related to Strategy S.A.1.1 (in process category), Councilmember Pust <br />sought a context for pay benefits for part-time firefighters. <br />Acting Chief O'Neill advised that the department currently had seven fitll- <br />time staff, and 58 part-time firefighters, with great strides having been <br />made over the last few years in making the part-time pay rates more com- <br />petitive with other area departments ($13.32/hour); and changes in the <br />structure to have training and most duties assigned during scheduled hours <br />to avoid additional time commitments and other work disruptions for those <br />part-time firefighters. <br />Councilmember Johnson clarified that the department employees were no <br />longer volunteers, but part-time staff, since they were paid a wage. <br />