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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/12/2010 11:20:38 AM
Creation date
3/12/2010 11:20:36 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, March O1, 2010 <br />Page 7 <br />new businesses had asked how they could become more engaged in the <br />community, and sought City Manager Malinen's vision for that item. <br />Discussion included opportunities with Rotary, Roseville Visitor's Asso- <br />ciation (RVA); how to communicate those options to the business com- <br />munity; involvement in Chamber of Commerce networks, and the City's <br />history with various chambers and costs involved. <br />Councilmember Roe suggested receiving feedback from businesses and <br />whether a Business Advisory Commission was needed for that feedback <br />beyond random comments; cost of that involvement; and specific strate- <br />gies for that focus. <br />Mayor Klausing suggested refocusing tonight's discussion on prioritizing <br />and how to fund those identified priorities, rather than attempting to im- <br />plement new strategies or expanding staff expectations. <br />Councilmember Roe clarified that the attempt was to better understand <br />what was being done and how it was being done, not suggesting more <br />things to do, but how to measure performance and if those high priorities <br />were not being met how to reassign resources from a lower priority area. <br />Councilmember Johnson advised that his intent was to understand the vi- <br />sion of the department, what was being accomplished and what wasn't be- <br />ing accomplished, and how those items would be addressed on a BFO <br />document. <br />City Manager Malinen noted that the vision needed to take into considera- <br />tion the time and/or financial resources for accomplishment. <br />Mayor Klausing noted the constraints of continuing to do more with less, <br />and the need to recognize staff's recognition that the City couldn't be top <br />notch at everything at current funding levels and limited resources. Mayor <br />Klausing asked Mr. Malinen if there was some part of administration that <br />would be a lower priority to make sure effective prioritization was hap- <br />pening, and those functions that could at the bottom of the priority list. <br />City Manager Malinen advised that with attempts to increase communica- <br />tion with the public or media or staff, it was difficult to reduce that priori- <br />ty; and other functions (i.e., elections and records management) were <br />mandatory or statutory and that few areas remained that could be reduced <br />and/or eliminated. <br />
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