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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 22, 2010 <br />Page 10 <br />City Manager Malinen noted previous discussions at the Special Strategic Plan- <br />ning Session and a request to hold meetings with individual Department Heads for <br />their specific operations and challenges for the next budget cycle. Mr. Malinen <br />advised that March 1, 2010 had been designated for this meeting, but that no offi- <br />cial action had been taken to set the date. <br />During discussion of the specific time for the meeting, Mr. Malinen advised that <br />he anticipated forty-five minutes for each Department. <br />Roe moved, Johnson, seconded, scheduling a Special Meeting for Monday, March <br />1, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. for the purpose of continuing Strategic Planning with De- <br />partment Heads. <br />Councilmember Johnson suggested that Councilmembers move to the table rather <br />than at the dais for this meeting; and confirmed that the meeting was open to the <br />public and would be televised as well. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Johnson; Pust; Roe; and Klausing. <br />Nays: None. <br />9. General Ordinances for adoption <br />a. Adopt Illicit Discharge Ordinance <br />An updated copy of the proposed Ordinance identified as "Attachment C," was <br />included as a Bench Handout. <br />City Engineer Debra Bloom briefly reviewed the revisions made to the proposed <br />Storm Water Illicit Discharge and Connections Ordinance, incorporating com- <br />ments and recommendations of the City Council since initial presentation at their <br />January 25, 2010 meeting; as well as City Attorney review of the language and re- <br />lated code changes to create consistency between other sections of the code and <br />this new section, as detailed in the RCA dated February 22, 2010. <br />For the purpose of identifying that the property and/or the violator can be as- <br />sessed, and as an additional remedy under certain circumstances, City Attorney <br />Bartholdi suggested one additional change to the language on page 7, line 21, <br />Section N.4., last sentence, change to read: <br />"the amount due shall constitute a lien upon, and the City shall have the right to <br />assess such cost against the property owned by such violator(s) pursuant to Min- <br />nesota Statute 429.101 " <br />Ms. Bloom identified several additional sections of Roseville City Code on the <br />bench handout with recommended language revisions, including Section 205 re- <br />