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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 22, 2010 <br />Page 13 <br />able. Councilmember Johnson commended Councilmembers Pust and Roe for <br />their language changes to address concerns of Roseville citizens, as well as liquor <br />license holders. <br />Mayor Klausing opened the Public Hearing at 7:34 p.m. <br />Public Comment <br />Rod Rathburn, owner Network Liquors <br />Mr. Rathburn addressed the letter received from the City Police Department re- <br />lated to tonight's meeting and the proposed changes; and reviewed his concerns <br />based on responsibility of employees and owners versus personal responsibility <br />and accountability of customers and consequences for them; and the impacts to <br />the business owner even when they were attempting to be responsible. <br />Mr. Rathburn expressed concern related to inspections by the City and questioned <br />who could be expected to make those inspections and their expertise in making <br />those inspections, how it was determined what total access to his facility meant, <br />should he be off-site and his office locked; and how that impinged upon his legal <br />rights. <br />Councilmember Pust clarified that under existing state law, this inspection provi- <br />sion in Section 302.08, Subdivision B, page 1, was not a change. <br />Councilmember Johnson further clarified that the language stated "properly des- <br />ignated official." <br />Mayor Klausing focused the discussion on the purpose in the proposed language <br />changes as they related to repeated compliance check failures of retailers on mul- <br />tiple occasions; review of penalties with other communities; and the process used <br />for those compliance checks. Mayor Klausing assured license holders that it was <br />not the intent for the City to onerously impact operations but to ensure they were <br />complying with the law, and from the City's perspective to hold those not com- <br />plying responsible for their actions or lack thereof, by providing incentives for <br />them to comply. <br />Dave Jackson, General Manager at Famous Dave's in Roseville <br />Mr. Jackson, in his 13 years as General Manager, spoke in support of holding <br />business owners accountable for safe service of alcohol; and expressed his only <br />concern with making City-held training mandatory. Mr. Jackson spoke to their <br />current industry-recognized training program and his being proactive in develop- <br />ing his own training system above that. Mr. Jackson assured Councilmembers <br />that his track record to-date was substantially unblemished, that he required test- <br />ing and personal orientation and training on an ongoing basis for his staff; and <br />questioned the need to provide additional testing through the City for his staff. <br />