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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/12/2010 12:42:56 PM
Creation date
3/12/2010 12:42:50 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 22, 2010 <br />Page 14 <br />Councilmember Pust clarified that the language indicated "city-approved train- <br />ing," and that the only responsibility he would have would be to get that training <br />approved annually during license renewals. <br />Mayor Klausing concurred with Councilmember Pust's clarification and further <br />noted that the manager had the option of doing their own training and submitting <br />evidence of that training. <br />Mr. Jackson expressed his preference that he not be required to have another layer <br />of paperwork associated with renewal of the liquor license. <br />Councilmember Pust expressed appreciation for Mr. Jackson's preference, recog- <br />nizing the responsibilities of a small business owner; however, Councilmember <br />Pust advised that this was a public cost she was asking license holders to bear for <br />the good of the overall community; and assured Mr. Jackson that the city would <br />make it as efficient as possible, basically to send one additional piece of paper <br />with their annual renewals. <br />Steve Burwell, resident at 2280 Albert Street, owner of Fairview Wine and <br />Spirits <br />Mr. Burwell noted that his store had been in operation since December of 1971 <br />and that he and his employees consistently carded customers. Mr. Burwell noted <br />his embarrassment in his personal compliance check failure three years ago; and <br />assured Councilmembers that he and his employees took their responsibility very <br />seriously. However, Mr. Burwell noted that everyone makes an occasional honest <br />mistake, and opined that the proposed penalties would not achieve any greater at- <br />tention. Mr. Burwell advised that, while restaurants and stores had other sources <br />of income through their varied sales merchandise, this fine was a significant im- <br />pact for his or any business, and opined that it was excessive. Mr. Burwell re- <br />quested data from the Police Department on consequences for individuals stopped <br />for underage consumption, and questioned whether their consequences fit the <br />crime or if the business owners would continue to be scapegoats for them, since <br />the underage consumer is the root of the social problem, not the liquor store own- <br />ers and/or employees. Mr. Burwell expressed concern with the financial impact <br />to a clerk failing a compliance check with separate fine, in addition to the store <br />owner. <br />Mr. Burwell questioned how the City addressed such delivery services (i.e., Co- <br />burn's from St. Cloud) and compliance checks when they delivered alcohol as <br />well as groceries. <br />Mayor Klausing and Councilmember Pust reviewed the purpose of the proposed <br />language changes based on a past incident and provisions of State Statute indicat- <br />ing that City Code and Ordinance needed additional flexibility and that the current <br />two-tiered system for fine and revocation was outdated. <br />
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