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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
3/12/2010 12:42:56 PM
Creation date
3/12/2010 12:42:50 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 22, 2010 <br />Page 15 <br />At the request of Mayor Klausing, Acting Chief Mathwig addressed compliance <br />checks at point-of--sale for underage consumption, with a citation written to the <br />clerk as well as the business owner; and addressed how juvenile offenders were <br />adjudicated in juvenile court and adults depending on their personal history and <br />circumstances, with the judge basing his sentence on State Statute. Acting Chief <br />Mathwig advised that the City did compliance checks for license holders in the <br />City, and he was not aware of how license compliance provisions were handled <br />for out-of--town delivery services. <br />Councilmembers Pust and Roe asked the City Attorney to look into such out-of- <br />town delivery services and how they were regulated specific to alcohol sales. <br />Councilmembers Roe and Pust also indicated the need to further review State Sta- <br />tute and City Ordinance as they specified fines for the individual making the sale <br />as well as the business owner. <br />Kathy Rivers, Regional Manager for Applebee's Restaurant, overseeing sev- <br />en operations in the metropolitan area, including Roseville and Plymouth <br />Ms. Rivers sought the specific documents being required by the City to provide <br />evidence of their training program. <br />Acting Chief Mathwig advised that, currently as long as the training program <br />covers the points recommended by the City for any training program, and can be <br />verified, that fulfills the obligations of the license holder; and further noted that <br />the list of employees would need to indicate verification that they had received <br />that training in the specific store. <br />Ms. Rivers sought further clarification on the two-tier system for liquor stores <br />versus restaurants; and asked for further consideration by the City Council in <br />whether treatment of the businesses, based on their type, was equitable or not. <br />Ms. Rivers noted that, in over eleven years in business, Applebee's was without <br />violation. <br />Jeff McBesky, General Manager at Roseville Applebee's <br />Mr. McBesky advised that their firm used the National Restaurant Association's <br />accredited training program and questioned if that would be sufficient training. <br />Acting Chief Mathwig advised that the program would need to be reviewed by the <br />Police Department's compliance officer. <br />Kevin Schlief, Co-Owner of Chianti Grill <br />Mr. Schlief expressed concern with provisions in Section 302.07 of the proposed <br />ordinance related to ownership of the establishment and how it related to transfer <br />
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