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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 22, 2010 <br />Page 17 <br />Councilmember Pust requested additional time to review those items brought up <br />tonight, recognizing the City's interest in supporting the business community, <br />while recognizing the serious nature of non-compliance issues. Councilmember <br />Pust noted that government regulation of such a business was based on the actual <br />nature of the business in selling alcohol. Councilmember Pust asked license <br />holders to provide her and/or Acting Chief Mathwig with information on national- <br />ly-known training programs of which they were aware, for further review by her <br />and Councilmember Roe to determine if they met best practices. <br />Mayor Klausing thanked business owners for their attendance and input. <br />No action taken <br />c. Adopt a Resolution to approve the Request by Riaz Hussain for an amend- <br />ment to an existing CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) to allow the park- <br />ing areas adjacent to Autumn Street to remain at 1901 Lexington avenue <br />(PF10-002) <br />Mr. Hussain provided a bench handout related to his request for this CUP <br />amendment. <br />Associate Planner Bryan Lloyd reviewed the history of this request to eliminate a <br />condition requiring removal of two paved parking areas on the south side of his <br />property accessing Autumn Street, as detailed in the RCA dated February 22, <br />2010. Mr. Lloyd advised that the Planning staff continues to advocate for and <br />support the recommendation of the Planning Commission to DENY the requested <br />CUP amendment and related action ordering compliance with terms of Resolution <br />No. 9414 requiring the removal of the parking areas by June 1, 2010, based on the <br />determination of the Public Works Director that use of those parking areas would <br />adversely affect traffic flow due to the parcel's proximity to Lexington Avenue. <br />Mayor Klausing sought to define the two issues: frustration in Mr. Hussain's non- <br />compliance with previous conditions; and safety concerns addressed by staff and <br />the Planning Commission for this property, and how adjacent and similar proper- <br />ties didn't create similar safety concerns. <br />Mr. Lloyd noted the differences in City Code addressing residential and commer- <br />cial properties, based on traffic volume related to one a commercial parcel rather <br />than a residential property; location of the intersection and current use of the <br />property not creating heavy volumes, but not guaranteed for potential future, per- <br />mitted uses. <br />Further discussion among Councilmembers and staff included setback require- <br />ments; former approval for veterinary clinic use, which never occurred; staff con- <br />cerns related for public safety; changes to City Code in 1996, one year prior to <br />approval of the original CUP and requiring parking off the boulevard as well as <br />