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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 22, 2010 <br />Page 18 <br />other non-conformities such as pavement; and availability of an entire parking <br />field on the north side of the property, with that parcel also owned by the current <br />property owner. <br />Riaz Hussain, Property Owner at 1901 Lexington Avenue <br />Mr. Hussain referenced the points made in his written request; and reiterated his <br />need for four cars to park in the existing parking areas on the south side; and <br />opined that the minimal traffic backing onto Autumn Street, not Lexington Ave- <br />nue, would be problematic. Mr. Hussain advised that he was willing to make oth- <br />er adjustments in order for those four spaces to remain. <br />Mayor Klausing noted the extensive detail provided by Mr. Hussain in his re- <br />sponse to the staff report, and expressed concern that Mr. Hussain was unwilling <br />to use the parking lot to the north, and whether the City's request to remove the <br />four spaces was a cost issue for him or if they served another purpose. <br />Mr. Hussain advised that there would be limited customer parking if his business <br />vehicles were parked there, and noted that delivery trucks were unable to use the <br />north lot due to existing electric and phone lines being too low. Mr. Hussain of- <br />fered to put any stipulations for those four spaces, if they remained, into any fix- <br />ture purchase agreement for a future owner. <br />Mr. Hussain advised that his current business was as a consulting engineer for <br />HVAC services for large commercial businesses as well as a retail sales program. <br />It was noted that Mr. Hussain's wife ran another business from the site, selling <br />tools and equipment. <br />Councilmember Johnson noted that there had been a flourish of activity at the site <br />when Mrs. Hussain was having a sale at the site, similar to a yard sale, and ob- <br />served that during that increased activity he had perceived that the situation was <br />indeed borderline dangerous. <br />Further discussion included existing driveway locations and possible relocation <br />areas; review of aerial photographs of the site; and remaining lack of compliance <br />with City Code for the parking area in question to remain. <br />Councilmember Roe .questioned if the conditions of the original CUP remained <br />applicable as established since the veterinary clinic use had never transpired. <br />Mr. Lloyd noted that, as dictated by issuance of construction and building per- <br />mits, if not implemented in six months, approval itself was null and void. Mr. <br />Lloyd clarified that the veterinary clinic had been operational for a short time; and <br />that this CUP would remain valid and stay with the property unless amended or <br />terminated by the applicant or City Council action. Mr. Lloyd noted that this non- <br />