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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, February 22, 2010 <br />Page 2 <br />lation of the proposed noise wall related to reconstruction of Highway 36 at the <br />intersection of Rice Street. Mr. Duffy noted that installation of the noise wall <br />would significantly impact sight lines from the townhomes, and that the lack of a <br />noise wall significantly impacted marketability of the homes due to noise issues. <br />Mr. Duffy advised that since that previous meeting, analyses by Calibre Ridge <br />engineers and Ramsey County engineering and computer models differed on im- <br />pacts of noise due to higher elevations of the roadway; and that those differences <br />were still being reviewed, but indicating that a noise wall at a height of 11.5 feet <br />may prove sufficient. <br />For the benefit of the listening audience, Mayor Klausing briefly reviewed the <br />background of the original City Council recommendation for construction of a <br />noise wall, and subsequent rescinding of that recommendation for at least a por- <br />tion of the wall at their most recent meeting. <br />City Manager Malinen advised that Public Works Director Duane Schwartz was <br />still in discussions with various parties on the height of the wall, with resolution <br />pending at this point, but needed by March 1, 2010 to avoid costs for redesign of <br />the project. City Manager Malinen advised that a resolution outlining final rec- <br />ommendations would be brought forward to the City Council to ratify the decision <br />of Calibre Ridge management. <br />4. Council Communications, Reports, Announcements and Housing and Redevelop- <br />ment Authority (HRA) Report <br />Councilmember Roe announced the fifth and final Neighborhood Listening Session for <br />the SE area of Roseville for the Parks Master Plan process, scheduled at the Roseville Lu- <br />theran Church on Roselawn Avenue between Lexington and Hamline on Tuesday, Febru- <br />ary 23, 2010 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., and invited any citizen having feedback to offer to <br />attend that meeting. <br />Councilmember Pust personally and publicly thanked law enforcement officers from <br />Roseville and mutual aid from surrounding communities, as well as from Ramsey Coun- <br />ty, for their immediate and professional actions in ensuring safety of others present and in <br />controlling the recent incident at Rosedale Mall, to which she had been present and a wit- <br />ness. <br />Mayor Klausing expressed appreciation to staff, sponsors, vendors, and public partici- <br />pants for another great Living Smarter Home & Garden Fair held Saturday, February 20, <br />2010. <br />5. Recognitions, Donations, Communications <br />a. Human Rights Essay Contest Winners <br />Mayor Klausing noted that he personally looked forward to this annual contest, <br />and welcomed students and parents in attendance; and introduced Human Rights <br />