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Housing Plan – 2005 Page 1 Roseville HRA <br /> Housing Plan <br />Housing & Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Roseville <br />Adopted July 15, 2003, Reaffirmed August 17, 2004. Amended August 16, 2005 <br /> <br />Preamble: <br /> <br />The Housing & Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Roseville (the <br />“HRA”) was created on June 17, 2002 by the City Council of the City of Roseville <br />(the “City”) as a separate entity pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 469.001 <br />to 469.047. One of the key objectives of the HRA is to provide housing programs <br />and promote safe, decent and affordable housing options for the community. The <br />HRA Housing Plan (the “Housing Plan”) serves as a guide in the planning and policies <br />related to providing a community rich in housing quality and choices for all <br />residents of the City. <br />After reviewing the City’s current and fu ture housing & demographic conditions, <br />the City Vista 2000 report and the Rose ville Comprehensive Plan, the HRA has <br />determined that it is in the best intere st of the City to develop, implement and <br />manage housing projects and activities throughout the City. <br />The HRA’s mission is to plan, implement an d manage housing projects and activities <br />for the citizens in the community by pr oviding equal opportunities for quality, <br />decent and safe homes and suitable livi ng environments; and by strengthening <br />partnerships among all levels of go vernment, non-profit and for-profit <br />organizations to maximize social and econ omic opportunities. This will be done <br />through the spirit of professionalism and integrity of the HRA’s Board of <br />Commissioners and staff. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />