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Housing Plan – 2005 Page 5 Roseville HRA <br />• The City has 98 multi-family housing co mplexes which are homes to over 8,800 <br />residents. <br />• Over 78% of the heads of household with in owner occupied multi-family housing <br />(condominium and townhome) are over 45 years of age. 57% of the heads of <br />household of the owner occupied multi-family housing are over 55 years of age. As <br />the average age of building occupants increases, the new residents tend to be over <br />55 years of age. <br />• In rental multi-family housing, 76% of th e head of households are 54 years of age <br />or less and only 23% of the renters are over 55. This younger population is an <br />excellent target market for first time home buyer programs in the City. <br />• Approximately 5% of the multi-family population is children, while 28% (2,539) are <br />seniors over the age of 55. <br />• The number of multi-family complexes where children represent more than 10% of <br />the population is limited to 15 of 98 total complexes. The number of multi-family <br />complexes where seniors represent more th an 10% of the population is 42 of 98 <br />total complexes, explaining the different service needs of some of these <br />complexes. <br />• In terms of the number of residents, the top ten range from 447 to 262 and <br />average 310 residents per complex – each comparable to a small neighborhood. <br />However, the majority of the complexes ha ve smaller populations; less than 100 <br />residents per complex. <br />• Approximately 56% of the multi-family residents have lived in their homes for <br />more than five years. When renters mo ve, 66% move to anot her rental property <br />and 30% move to a single family home. Between 22-25% of all moves by multi- <br />family residents are within the City. <br />• Although the vacancy rate for rental pr operty has decreased from 10% in 1990 to <br />approximately 2% in 2000 and increased in 2002 by 6%, the turn-over rate remains <br />as high as 30% per year particularly as young adults move in and out. <br />• Owners of multi-family housing (condos, townhomes, cooperatives) represent 25% <br />of the total units. When condo owners move , nearly 55% go to a rental housing unit. <br />• Working adults represent 72% of the multi-family population. <br />• The City’s multi-family housing: <br />• consists of 26% of the population (8,810); <br />• covers 5% (453 acres) of the land area; <br />• has a market value of $509 million (15% of total); and <br />• generates property taxes in excess of $5.6 million (10% of total). <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />