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Housing Plan – 2005 Page 6 Roseville HRA <br /> <br />2.4 Insights on Roseville Housing Needs Assessment and relationship to the <br />Housing Plan <br /> <br />In reviewing Ramsey County tax records for 2002, City staff estimated that over <br />$43 million is needed to make necessary exte rior improvements to the City’s single <br />and multi-family housing stock over the next 5-10 years. This is not unlike the <br />1996 study “Older Housing in the Twin Citi es Metropolitan Area” which identified <br />the City as needing over $27 million in im provements when prices for improvements <br />and acquisition were much less. Clearly th e type of housing with the highest need <br />is multi-family since the majority of the stock was built prior to 1970. The multi- <br />family housing stock is also the most expe nsive to address and an area in which the <br />City has not been an active player. The following summarizes these findings: <br /> <br />• The City has a total of 98 apartment complexes with a total of 6,330 units. Over <br />85% of the complexes were constructed pr ior to 1980 and over 44% of those or <br />2,400 units have a taxable market valu e per unit under $30,000. It is <br />conservatively estimated that the average cost per unit for exterior improvements <br />(window, roof, siding, doors) is $15,000. Based upon this esti mate, it could cost <br />over $36 million to make the exterior improvements on these units with taxable <br />market values less than $30,000 per unit. <br /> <br />• There are approximately 1,650 town home an d condominium units in the City. 44% <br />of these units are over 30 years old and many of these units have had some level of <br />remodeling. However, over 28% of these units over 30 years old (12 percent of the <br />total) have not been improved since 1980. These town home complexes will need to <br />make improvements to maintain their value over the next 5-10 years. <br /> <br />• There are 192 single-family units under $100 ,000 in taxable market value. 90% of <br />these homes were constructed prior to 1960. Only 10 of the homes with a taxable <br />market value under $100,000 have been re modeled and only 2 of the 10 were <br />remodeled in the last 10 years. At an average $40,000 cost for exterior <br />improvements (roof, windows, siding) there could be a need for over $7 million in <br />improvements to maintain the single family housing stock. <br />