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Housing Plan – 2005 Page 13 Roseville HRA <br /> <br />• Evaluate the potential for a Housing Replacement Program for First Time <br />Homebuyer Options to purchase code deficient homes which the homeowner is <br />unable to sell or renovate due to the condition of the home. The purchase will <br />result in the demolition of the dilapidated home and the construction of a new home <br />or group of homes specifically for First Time Homebuyers. Upon completion the <br />Program will provide for the resale of the new home, targeting first time home <br />buying families. The HRA’s goal will be to obtain a second mortgage on any initial <br />equity generated by the home to provide a return on the investment under the <br />Program . Identified as a high priority for HRA. <br /> <br />4.9 Review opportunities to submit applic ations for funding from federal, <br />state, county and regional sources where proposed projects meet the <br />goals of the HRA. <br /> <br />• Submit annual approval of participation in the Livable Communities Ac t which was <br />created in 1995 and represents the Legi slative preference for a voluntary, <br />incentive-based approach to help communities grow, succeed and address the <br />metropolitan region’s affordable and lifecycle housing. <br /> <br />• Submit applications under the Super RFP Process for Livable Communities <br />Demonstration Account grants, Local Housing Incentive Account, MHFA and <br />Minnesota Housing Fund grants and loans where the proposed projects provide a <br />mix of housing choices for innovative pr ograms that address affordable housing <br />issues. <br /> <br />• Submit applications to the Ramsey County Housing & Redevelopment Authority for <br />single and multi-family housing developments, public infrastructure and business <br />assistance when low-moderate income requirements can be achieved. <br /> <br />• Review annual funding options through non-profit foundations and financial <br />institutions. <br /> <br />4.10 Increase awareness of the HRA’s mi ssion and promote the City as a <br />community with an excellent , safe quality of life. <br /> <br />• Update the HRA web page continuously to help promote and identify the HRA as <br />the housing resource for the City of Roseville. Incorporate the HRA logo into the <br />web page and all publications. <br /> <br />• Distribute the HRA brochure which is provided to the general public and at <br />community functions such as Home & Garden Show, City Open House, Rosefest, <br />Volunteer Banquet and annual meetings with the City Council and City commissions. <br />Identified as a high priority for the HRA.