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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Housing Redevelopment Authority
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Last modified
5/9/2014 11:45:09 AM
Creation date
3/17/2010 2:47:47 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Housing Redevelopment Authority
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Chair Majerus stressed the importance of marketing a new loan program to eligible residents. <br />Suzanne Schneider from the HRC agreed that the HRA should explore marketing their loan <br />programs through the school system to reach a wider audience. <br />Mr. Trudgeon asked the board if the new loan program should also encourage green <br />improvements by providing additional dollars beyond the initial cap. Marie Malrick, <br />Program Coordinator for the HRC, noted that the HRA would need to create a standard for <br />green improvements so that the HRC can determine the applicant's eligibility for additional <br />"green" incentives. Ms. Kelsey reminded the board that limited budgets may prohibit many <br />applicants from making green improvements as those typically require a larger initial <br />investment. <br />Chair Majerus asked for consensus from the board to direct staffto combine the Revolving <br />Loan Program and the Family Affordable Loan Program, while finding ways to provide <br />incentives for green improvements and also to families seeking loan assistance. The board <br />agreed. <br />Mr. Trudgeon gave the board a report from the HRC detailing their recent activity. Ms. <br />Schneider and Ms. Malrick discussed the mortgage foreclosure crisis and noted that most <br />residents seem to bypass the HRC completely and go directly to Lutheran Social Services to <br />seek assistance in that area, thus they hadn't received many calls in that regard. Ms. Malrick <br />noted that the Home & Garden Fair in February resulted in many calls to the HRC asking for <br />home improvement information. Chair Majerus directed staffto provide a monthly HRC <br />activity report to the board at subsequent HRA meetings. <br />Mr. Trudgeon noted that the HRA discussed as part of their Strategic Plan an interest in code <br />enforcement issues and had set aside some funds in its budget to assist in proactive code <br />enforcement. Mr. Trudgeon indicated that the HRA could do this by providing an emergency <br />loan program to assist residents in resolving code violations or by providing funds to <br />Community Development Department code enforcement staff to assist in abatements. The <br />board discussed the role of the HRA and the City Council in providing funding for code <br />enforcement. <br />Mr. Trudgeon noted that the City Council will be discussing code enforcement at one of their <br />April meetings. Mr. Trudgeon indicated that funding for a seasonal code enforcement staff <br />position will be explored at that meeting. Mr. Trudgeon also noted that a joint meeting <br />between the HRA and the City Council will be scheduled for April and this joint meeting <br />presents a good opportunity to have a discussion with the City Council over the HRA's role <br />in code enforcement. <br />Chair Majerus directed staff to research ways in which other local Housing and <br />Redevelopment Authorities have approached code enforcement issues in their respective <br />communitie s. <br />9. Information Reports & Other Business (Verbal Reports by Staff and Board Members): <br />a. Board & Staff Reports <br />Mr. Trudgeon noted that the City Council will advertise the HRA vacancy at their March <br />24 meeting. Mr. Trudgeon speculated that the vacancy would be filled by June. <br />
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