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GOVERNOR PAWLENTY ANN4UNCES ADDITIONAL ACTIQNS TO ASSIST HO... Page 2 of 3 <br />Lenders and servicers asked to sign Minnesofa Foreclosure Prevention Compaci <br />Governor Pawtenty is asking lenders and servicers to sign a compact and agree to efforts to reduce foreclasures in <br />Minnesota. The Department of Commerce has been meeting with lenders and servicers regarding the compact. <br />Principles of the Minnesofa Foreclosure Prevention Compact include: <br />• Work with mortgage foreclosure prevention counselors, and when necessary, parlicipate in voluntary <br />mediatian. <br />• Participate in all Foreclosure Counseling Workshops in Minnesota. <br />• Engage in a substaniia! and large-scale loan modificaiion effort ior subprime mvrtgages and adjustable <br />raie mortgage resets. <br />• Identify, evaluate and make good. faiih attempts to contact at-risk or defaulting borrowers as soon as <br />possibEe. <br />• Modi4y loa�s to ihe extem permissible within existing fiduciary, contrsctual or other legal o6ligations and in <br />accordance with prudent mortgage fending and servicing practices. <br />• Report progress ro the Minnesola Department of Commerce. <br />Mediation fundinq to assist homeowners when counselinq is unsuccessful <br />Because there are times when counseling cannot resotve issues surrounding a possible foreclosure, Governor <br />PawlenYy has directed Minnesoia Hausing and Ihe Department of Commerce to work with the Minnesata <br />�tomeownership Center and lenders to pra�ide access to mediators when housing counsefors and lenders believe <br />it wauEd be effecti�e in keeping families in their hames. <br />Lenders and counselars have i:ndicated that an occasion their efforts could beneiit fram the perspective of a neutral <br />third party with mediation skills. <br />Nfediators will be paid for by the state ihraugh grants from Minnesota Housing. <br />Earlier ihis manth, Governor Pawlenty announced a$4.3 million federal grant, the second-largest such grant made <br />to any stale, to expand ioreclosure pre�eniion counseling in the siate. With thks fundtng, 37 additional counselors <br />are being added to ihe statewide counseling network, for a toSaf of 76 counselors. <br />Deoartmenf of Gommeree estahtishes Minnesota Foreclasure Hotiine for eounselors <br />At Govemor Pawlenty's directian, the MVnnesota Department of Commerce has established a hotline far Ioan <br />caunselars if they experience problems contacting or negotiating wilh lenders. The department will then be able to <br />contact the lender or ser�icers to ensure ihey are responding and acting in good faith. <br />The counselor hotline number is (651) 29fi-25fi9. This number shauld only be used by counselors and mediators, <br />nol individual homeowners. <br />Homeowners facing foreclosure are encouraged to call the Minnesota Fvreclosure Hotline toll-free at 9-8fi8-b62- <br />6466 for information an counseling and other resources. <br />"The last Ehing your lender wants is for you ta fall into foreclosure," said Minnesota Cvmmerce Commissioner Glenn <br />Wilson. "If you are behind on your mortgage and fear foreclosure, call your lender immediately for help or call the <br />Minnesota Foreclosure Hatline." <br />Foreclosures typically occur due lo unemploymer�t or olher loss of in.come. However, the increase in foreclosures <br />beginning in 2006 is rela4ed to an increase in subprime loans and other non.-traditional loans. Addifional causes <br />include {lattening housing values, home equity cash-outs, and buyers assuming tao much risk. <br />According io the nonprofit Housing Link, there were an esiimated 20,673 toreclosures in Minnesoia in 2007 — an <br />84% increase from 2006. Housing Link is projecting between 29,000 and 37,000 foreclosures in 2008. The figures <br />are based on sherifFs' sales of foreclosed properties. <br />Pawlenty Administration's ongoina efforfs to curb foreclosures <br />http:/'ROT)008821.htm1 4/15/2008 <br />