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3/17/2010 2:59:52 PM
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Housing Redevelopment Authority
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HRA Meeting <br />Minutes — Tuesday, January 20, 2009 <br />Page 4 <br />$125, which served to offset rental for the facility for the day. Ms. Kelsey noted that the <br />brochures were completed, with maps prepared. Ms. Kelsey suggested that more non-profits <br />be approached for nea� t year's fair to determine their interest in being involved. <br />Ms. Kelsey advised that final updates would be provided at the neat meeting; and that staff <br />was presenring to the City Council at their January 26, 2009 meering. Ms. Kelsey advised that <br />City Manager Malinen was donaring his time for the day to assist. Ms. Kelsey noted that this <br />was really a community effort; and noted the many volunteers who did so annually, and <br />without them the event could not happen. Ms. Kelsey advised that they were;v��'`"��� 'ng a <br />special recognition for a minimum of two (2) volunteers who had done so for ov •�`' 'rteen (13) <br />;,: <br />years to-date at this event �,�,�;�-' <br />a. Update on Housing Improvement Area (HIA) — Westwood Village I, <br />Ms. Kelsey updated members on establishment of this HIA, origi�lly reque ee (3) <br />years ago; and approved by the City Council in September of .�00�,?, Ms. Kelse -,� t�e <br />work completed by the townhome association in updatin ���'� by-laws, provi cost <br />analyses and allocarion of assessment costs, and estab�ng a financial plan f��"� future <br />reserves to address maintenance issues. Ms. Kelsey ac��sed tha e assessment allocations <br />would go before the City Council at their January 26 �k�09 meet' .""�Is. Kelsey advised that <br />the assessments included a twenty percent (20%) cQ�iCi '`�" f, o allow for unknowns. <br />Member Pust suggested that if HRA members or members�k ubl' have strong views or <br />comments, that they talk to the City Council. Ms. Pust noted ��'�.;.� re were several ways to <br />look at this situation, and that requests for addirional infori��tion indicated there were <br />questions yet unresolved. <br />;� <br />Ms. Kelsey addressed some of the spe� fics o'we �st per unit assessment realities and <br />limited budgets of some of the owners; c usion some residents. <br />Member Tracy requested review of the I�A program and ordinance, including the financing <br />through Bremer Bank; i�lt�rest rates plus ��es �or City administration of the financing; fifteen <br />(15) year term o�,� `"� ���� "��'lack of availa�i�ty for private financing on a number of the units; <br />and assessmen��of the c ; as a guaran��e for payback or a lien on the taY rolls with first place <br />for paybac = t�aon resal �� �dvised that the loan term was 15 years, at 6.75 — 725% <br />interest,,' ��n a, . . <br />Discussion inclu s t�ken by the association to ensure they did not end up without <br />su����� �-�'e,seives �� re improvements, by providing an average increase of $200/month <br />�� ��� �� dues; ;�� ation of a budget plan for the future that had been reviewed and <br />approved ��.n e Cit�'s Finance Director Chris Miller; and protecrion to the City from any <br />additional ,� issues, with the City seiving as a pass through and administrator. <br />Member � st noted that the City Council may need to discuss policy issues from their <br />perspec ' e to address their criteria for providing this assistance in case other associations <br />'` r�ed interest in similar financing; did the City wish to serve as a bank repeatedly; and <br />������ est to address the strife created in the Westwood Village community related to the cost <br />ocations for improvements, which had grown contentious. <br />Further discussion included other communiries having eaperience with HIA's (Hopkins and St. <br />Louise Park); addirional information provided by Member Masche on this subject the <br />uniqueness of this request for 100% of construction costs, rather than gap financing, and <br />inability to determine if any individual units are close to foreclosure until they actually go into <br />foreclosure. <br />Additional discussion included the HRA's standards going forward and whether they were <br />interested in doing so again; informal staff surveys to determine if other similar situations were <br />
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